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additional services usually included in the very beginning and continue to do so cloud storage and a best-in-class search
m-commerce proposition. We suggest banks throughout by leveraging its partnerships engine, proprietary browser (Chrome),
precisely define an m-payments strategy, with non-financial institutions. operating system (Chrome+) and the most
ideally based on the most common and It’s important to emphasize that this common smartphone OS (Android), Google
advanced payment solution such as the model has been designed with the view Maps, GoogleTV, YouTube, Talk and Google
mobile wallet. Once the payments solution that customers dealing with so much Voice, proprietary apps domain, its own
is in place, the customer base can be information will want and need to trust music offering, and Google+ (a mix of
better protected and the risk of customers fewer ecosystem operators. We think Twitter and Facebook). Google also is an
changing providers is reduced, given the Facebook will be the operator for the “Share important player in the NFC ecosystem.
increased natural trust for payment services experience” ecosystem, Google for the Its relationship with MasterCard and Citi
provided by banking institutions versus “Search” ecosystem, big telecommunications allows Google to offer retailers more data
companies from non-financial sectors. about their customers and help merchants
companies for the “Connect me” ecosystem
In this way, the bank can assume the role and big banks for the “Economic choices” target ads and discount offers to mobile-
of trusted advisor, supporting customers ecosystem. For banks that aspire to the device users near their stores. Google
with financial and non-financial offerings “Financial/Non-Financial Digital Ecosystem” Wallet passes payment information over
and opportunities, such as buying a house, model, lessons can be learned from some existing payment protocols (including
a car, or even supporting the customer of the defined ecosystems, like Google. MasterCard PayPass and Visa PayWave),
preparing for marriage. For all needs The online giant has created one of the and the Nexus S smartphone—which
linked to economic choices, the bank is most complete digital ecosystems through Google developed with Samsung—is
able to support the customer from the a number of integrated services, including already enabled for NFC transactions.

The digital ecosystem:
keeping the customer connected, engaged

“Connect me” ecosystem
(AT&T, Telefonica, Orange)
“Share experience”
ecosystem (Facebook)

“Economic choices”
Customer ecosystem (banks)

“Search” ecosystem

“Discover” stuff
ecosystem (Amazon)

Accenture Distribution and Marketing Services
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