Page 45 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 45

David PILKINGTON - Director International & Customs Policy, Royal Mail


              • Not having data is not an option

              It’s a prerequisite

              • To meet legal requirements
              • To be compliant

              • To drive performance
              • To meet customer needs
              • To innovate

              • To compete

          29/09/2017                                                                                         61

                            The legislative and Political landscape is changing ….. Fast

                           • Global legislations and new entry requirements necessitate the exchange of
                             electronic customs data
                                                           • UCC legislation mandates
                                                            electronic pre-advice for all
                                                            import traffic           Russia
                                                           • Modernisation of VAT    • Law requires electronic
                                                           • Planned to be enforced for   data or customs
                                                            postal items by 2020     • Lack of electronic pre-
                                                                                      advice already leads to a
                       USA                                                            long transit and delivery
                       • US  national legislation                                     times
                         requiring e-data already in
                         place.                                                      China
                       • State Dept were awaiting                                    • Legislation for e-data in
                         EU timetable (circa 2016)                                    place but not enforced
                       • May unilaterally introduce                                  • Likely to follow US and EU
                         a requirement                                                timeframe

                                                   • Lack of electronic pre-advice
                                                     can lead to a long transit
                          Note that any security incident is likely   • New laws demanding more
                           prompt immediate action and pull   data being developed
                                timelines forward
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