Page 41 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 41

Satoko KAGAWA - Tech.Ocer, Compliance and facilitation directorate WCO


                         Integrity of data:

                         • How to ensure the accuracy of data at hand
                         • How to integrate data collected from various external sources
                         Human capacity:

                         • Information Management (IT professionals)
                         • Analytics towards intelligence-led decision and operation
                         Accessibility of data:
                         • Format of data - international standards?
                         • obtaining the relevant data at earlier stages

                         • Additional sources and types of information

                         • Capacity to store and manage the large volume of datasets
                         ‘Centralization’ of data:                                                                57

                         • Centralization of different kinds of data inside the organization,
                           allowing the staff to make better use of a greater pool of internal data
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