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P. 17

But We Don’t Want to

Pay for Online News

We still value print


Just over half of Americans (56%) pay for one. Of those,
local newspapers are most popular (68%) , with special
interest magazines (e.g. cooking, pets, etc.) coming in second

(41%) , and an almost three-way ie for third between However, our willingness to
naional newspapers, news magazines and pay for online and mobile news
women’s/men’s magazines).
is not there yet.

Today, 86% of respondents believe that mobile and online news should be
free, and only 10% pay for an online subscripion. Men are more willing to
pay than women: 15% versus 5%. Direcionally, this trend seems to have
staying power. Of the younger demographics, 90% of those 18 to 24 and
94% of those 25 to 34, expect news to be free.

I INKHOUSE | GMI | Watch It, Read It or Tweet It: How Americans View and Share News NKHOUSE | GMI | Watch It, Read It or Tweet It: How Americans View and Share News 16
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