Page 11 - Watch, read, tweet
P. 11

Facebook Has Unofficial

Rules…Follow Them!

How to Get “Unfriended” on Facebook

The Top Reasons Americans Cite for Unfollowing or Unfriending Someone

75% of respondents report using on Facebook. They dislike too many...

Facebook and their sharing preferences 3.3% Photos of pets
are clear. People prefer posts with humor,
kids and pets to those about breakfast 3.3% Photos of children
preferences, bragging and “selies.”
6.9% Selies

8.2% Requests for charitable

9.1% Too many updates in general

15.5% Brag posts

18.4% Poliical posts

35.2% Updates about meaningless things (such as what you ate for breakfast)

INKHOUSE | GMI | Watch It, Read It or Tweet It: How Americans View and Share News 10
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16