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ITU launches turbo-speed platform – “AI for Good” – for Digital Transformation and accelerating sustainable development internationally

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The United Nations Technology Agency ( ITU) is launching a special project today based on artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate sustainable development globally. The event is one of great impact on an international scale through the profound transformations it can produce.

A new artificial intelligence (AI) community platform was launched today by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva. It aims to intensify global collaboration on the use of AI to drive sustainable development. The AI for Good Neural Network is designed to accelerate exchanges between government and industry, as well as to stimulate partnerships to achieve the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Photo credit ITU

The new networking tool provides the best choice and smart AI-enabled to help users build connections with innovators and experts, generate innovative ideas with social impact opportunities, and bring the community together to discuss AI applications for the social good . AI for Good – organized by ITU in partnership with 40 organizations in the UN system and coordinated by Switzerland – offers the main, global, inclusive, action-oriented platform that promotes AI to promote health, climate, gender, inclusive prosperity, infrastructure sustainable development, and other global development priorities.

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“This state-of-the-art tool brings AI for Good to the service of the United Nations and our global community in ways that were not possible just a few years ago,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “With the changes in the current pandemic, our work and learning environments have become largely online, the neural network is now harnessing the power of AI to stimulate meaningful action, bring more partners together, and intensify AI in pursuit. sustainable development. “

AI for Good in action aims to expand the ITU for Good program, the neural network that provides content and opportunities for collaboration aligned with each of the 17 UN SDGs. By exploring practical applications, AI for Good has helped to stimulate innovation, promote knowledge sharing and promote AI achievements in the UN and beyond.

Photo credit ITU

“Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) offer highly practical applications in many industries and sectors – applications with considerable potential to serve as a force for good,” said Chaesub Lee, director of ITU’s standardization office. “AI and ML are gaining ground in ITU standardization work, with research, analysis and stakeholder discussions focusing on network orchestration and management, multimedia coding, service quality assessment and various aspects of telecommunications management, operation and services, such as and cable networks, all of which support the accelerated digital transformation of the industry’s verticals. ”

Several ITU pre-standardization initiatives have been geared towards AI to find solutions and help set standards for better health care, autonomous and assisted leadership, environmental efficiency, natural disaster management, machine learning. 5G and, most recently, digital agriculture. The United Nations Report on Artificial Intelligence, released in December 2021, highlights more than 200 AI projects and initiatives by 40 UN organizations applying AI technologies for the social good – largely reflecting the scope of ITU’s AI for Good .

Photo credit ITU

At AI for Good Innovation Factory , start-ups propose AI innovations that address key socio-economic challenges. In the 5G AI / ML challenge, students and experts compete to solve real-world machine learning puzzles on 5G networks. These action-oriented initiatives and programs effectively create the basics needed to implement AI for Good at scale.

Smart choice for a better future through the neural network means that community members can connect with each other, receive personalized content, and track their involvement in line with their profiles, goals, and needs. Because no two human interactions are alike, the inclusive platform reflects both the needs of the community and the needs of the individual. The Smart Matching Mechanism – designed according to the principles of the Global AI and Data Commons Initiative – will connect AI innovators with anyone with an AI issue, with the goal of global AI solutions.

For example, they can generate the best solutions for Open Data and AI algorithms, cloud storage and increase computing power, enable new expertise, optimize funding and mentoring, domain transfer, SDG alignment and more. The solution is intended to stimulate unprecedented cooperation across physical borders, encourage SDA-focused impact partnerships in the field of AI, and serve directly Objective 17: Revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

AI for Good Neural Network is open to anyone interested in how AI can have a positive impact on the future of humanity. Join AI for Good Neural Network to help build your future AI!

More about AI for Good
Originally presented as a five-day summit, AI for Good has become an active, year-round, non-stop online digital platform that offers weekly live sessions, over 1,000 hours of on-demand content, networking opportunities, virtual exhibitions, demonstrations, multimedia posters and access to international experts, blogs – all searchable and mapped to ODD. The 2022 AI for Good program includes: – Expert Discovery talks about ML in 5G, reliable AI, AI and health, AI and climate science and GeoAI – Interactive notes, discussions and interviews – Start-up competitions and AI challenges – Intelligence in which artists use artificial intelligence to push the boundaries of creativity – A recently released Robotics for Good series.

Average resources:
– Social media #AIforGood
– Website: https://aiforgood.itu.int/
– Digital Media Kit: https://trello.com/b/Z9W21ZIA/ai-for-good-digital-media-toolkit