Page 249 - ePaper
P. 249
public procurement if the
bidders exercise revision
; mitigated by: well
prepared documentation,
sufficient communication
with owners, forcing the
cooperation with the
appropriate bodies,
professionalism of the
contracting authority´s
Transportation Corridors and D1 Budimír - Ministry of Transport, This section will divert west Yes Obtain relevant 0.26 TBD LEGAL RISKS
missing links Bidovce Construction and Regional to east transit traffic from building permits (Minimum.) Settlement of
Development of the Slovak Route III/050201 whose 12/2014 property rights in progress
Republic width is insufficient and the (78 per cent) - mitigated
condition is unsuitable Launch tender for by: well prepared
structurally and in terms of main construction documentation, sufficient
engineering. It will improve work communication with
the environment in the 2015 owners, forcing the
villages, through which cooperation with the
Route III/050201 crosses. Construction starts appropriate bodies,
The proposed section will fill 12/2015 professionalism of the
the missing gap in Highway contracting authority´s
D1 highway and Route I/50, Construction ends team.
and it will be part of the 12/2018 RISKS OF PUBLIC
basic TEN-T network. PROCUREMENT AND
CONTRACT (Potential
extension of public
procurement if the bidders
exercise revision
procedures) – mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation for the
Transportation Corridors and D1 Prešov, West Ministry of Transport, This section with its 2.5km Yes Obtain relevant 0.38 TBD RISKS OF PUBLIC
missing links - Prešov, South Construction and Regional long tunnel will bypass building permits PROCUREMENT AND
Development of the Slovak Prešov to the west and 12/2014 CONTRACT (Potential
Republic relieve the burden of transit extension of public
traffic, which is as high as Launch tender for procurement if the bidders
53 per cent inside the city main construction exercise revision
and runs along roads and work procedures) – mitigated
bidders exercise revision
; mitigated by: well
prepared documentation,
sufficient communication
with owners, forcing the
cooperation with the
appropriate bodies,
professionalism of the
contracting authority´s
Transportation Corridors and D1 Budimír - Ministry of Transport, This section will divert west Yes Obtain relevant 0.26 TBD LEGAL RISKS
missing links Bidovce Construction and Regional to east transit traffic from building permits (Minimum.) Settlement of
Development of the Slovak Route III/050201 whose 12/2014 property rights in progress
Republic width is insufficient and the (78 per cent) - mitigated
condition is unsuitable Launch tender for by: well prepared
structurally and in terms of main construction documentation, sufficient
engineering. It will improve work communication with
the environment in the 2015 owners, forcing the
villages, through which cooperation with the
Route III/050201 crosses. Construction starts appropriate bodies,
The proposed section will fill 12/2015 professionalism of the
the missing gap in Highway contracting authority´s
D1 highway and Route I/50, Construction ends team.
and it will be part of the 12/2018 RISKS OF PUBLIC
basic TEN-T network. PROCUREMENT AND
CONTRACT (Potential
extension of public
procurement if the bidders
exercise revision
procedures) – mitigated
by: well prepared
documentation for the
Transportation Corridors and D1 Prešov, West Ministry of Transport, This section with its 2.5km Yes Obtain relevant 0.38 TBD RISKS OF PUBLIC
missing links - Prešov, South Construction and Regional long tunnel will bypass building permits PROCUREMENT AND
Development of the Slovak Prešov to the west and 12/2014 CONTRACT (Potential
Republic relieve the burden of transit extension of public
traffic, which is as high as Launch tender for procurement if the bidders
53 per cent inside the city main construction exercise revision
and runs along roads and work procedures) – mitigated