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Annex 2: Pipeline of investment projects as of 14.11.2014
Key Investment Project List – SLOVAK REPUBLIC
1. Knowledge and digital economy
Sector Subsector Project Name Organization – Description Included in Project Status Total Investment in Barriers to
Project National Investment 2015 – 2017 Implementation
Sponsor Investment Costs
Plan (EUR BN)
Knowledge Public projects of Strengthening Ministry of The project will be funded from No Planned 0.1 0.020 n/a
and digital research and of research and Education of the Operation Program
economy development development SR Research and Innovation. It
(research capacities and entails support for a large joint
infrastructure, competencies project of the two largest Slovak
universities) of universities research universities -
in the field of Comenius University in
smart Bratislava and the Slovak
specialization University of Technology in
Bratislava. Both universities
have strong potential in terms of
education and research and
innovation that has been
unused to date; they have both
established dozens of research
centers over the program period
of the years 2007 – 2013 that
have led to the internal
fragmentation of both
institutions in several areas. At
the same time, there is a major
problem when it comes to the
overall education and research
infrastructure; not dealing with
this problem leads to a situation
where universities are unable to
create adequate conditions, for
Key Investment Project List – SLOVAK REPUBLIC
1. Knowledge and digital economy
Sector Subsector Project Name Organization – Description Included in Project Status Total Investment in Barriers to
Project National Investment 2015 – 2017 Implementation
Sponsor Investment Costs
Plan (EUR BN)
Knowledge Public projects of Strengthening Ministry of The project will be funded from No Planned 0.1 0.020 n/a
and digital research and of research and Education of the Operation Program
economy development development SR Research and Innovation. It
(research capacities and entails support for a large joint
infrastructure, competencies project of the two largest Slovak
universities) of universities research universities -
in the field of Comenius University in
smart Bratislava and the Slovak
specialization University of Technology in
Bratislava. Both universities
have strong potential in terms of
education and research and
innovation that has been
unused to date; they have both
established dozens of research
centers over the program period
of the years 2007 – 2013 that
have led to the internal
fragmentation of both
institutions in several areas. At
the same time, there is a major
problem when it comes to the
overall education and research
infrastructure; not dealing with
this problem leads to a situation
where universities are unable to
create adequate conditions, for