Page 206 - ePaper
P. 206
Sheet1 Technical assistance for
Protection and National the preparation of the
Resources Resilience to Public rehabilitation of Administration Works for rehabilitation and protection of the beaches Included in Master Financing Application and 500 500
and climate change coastal area - Phase Romanian Plan for coastal Tender Documents to be
environment II Waters area started in 2015.

Ensuring the safety of the
water works on
Resources Resilience to Public Dâmboviţa River, National Construction or rehabilitation of the infrastructure to reduce the Included in the Technical Assistance 20 20
Flood Risk
and climate change accumulation Lacul Morii Romanian impact of extreme weather Management Plan Financing Application
- Waters approved.
Tangan B charest National Included in the
Trotus River and
Resources Resilience to Public tributaries improvement Administration Construction or rehabilitation of the infrastructure to reduce the Flood Risk 70 70
and climate change - Phase II Romanian impact of extreme weather Management Plan
environment Technical assistance for
Flood protection of National Included in the the preparation of the
Resources Resilience to Public Babadag locality, Administration Construction or rehabilitation of the infrastructure to reduce the Flood Risk Financing Application and 15 15
and climate change Tulcea county Romanian impact of extreme weather Management Plan Tender Documents to be
environment Waters started in 2015.
Natural Rehabilitation of the
Resources resources: Public heating system in Iasi Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 22.52 22.52
and efficient and Iasi municipality - Master Plan of the Application under
environment Natural Rehabilitation of the county preparation

Resources resources: Public heating system in Timisoara Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 31.89 31.89
and efficient and Timisoara municipality Master Plan of the Application under
environment - Phase II county preparation
secure Rehabilitation of the
Resources resources: Public heating system in Bacau Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 25.39 25.39
and efficient and Bacau municipality - Master Plan of the Application under
environment Natural Rehabilitation of the county preparation
Resources resources: Public heating system in Oradea Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 28.22 28.22
and efficient and Oradea municipality - Master Plan of the Application under
environment Natural Rehabilitation of the county preparation
Resources resources: Public heating system in Rm. Rm. Valcea Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 16.15 16.15
and efficient and Valcea municipality - Municipality Master Plan of the Application under
environment secure Phase II county preparation

Resources Natural Public Rehabilitation of the Focsani Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 33.66 33.66
heating system in
and efficient and Focsani municipality - Master Plan of the Application under
environment county preparation
Natural Rehabilitation of the

Resources resources: Public heating system in Botosani Municipality Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and refurbishment Included in the Financing 9.74 9.74
and efficient and Botosani municipality - Master Plan of the Application under
environment county preparation
secure Phase II
Pilot program for
rehabilitation of hot-spot
area Zlatna - „Extension
of water network on the

Resources Natural Public administrative territory of Local Council Zlatna Extension of water network, rehabilitation and extension of sewerage Included in the Financing 15.23 15.23
and efficient and Zlatna, Alba county” and netwok Master Plan of the Application under
environment „ Rehabilitation and county preparation
secure extension of sewerage
network in Zlatna, Alba
Rehabilitation of water
Natural supply system, of
Resources resources: Public sewerage system and of County Council Vaslui Rehabilitation of water supply system, of sewerage system and of Included in the Financing 3.4 3.4
and efficient and wastewater treatment wastewater treatment plants Master Plan of the Application under
environment county preparation
secure plants in Vaslui, Bârlad,
availability Huşi and Negreşti

Resources Natural Public Rehabilitation of Local Council Hateg Rehabilitation of sewerage system Included in the Financing 2.7 2.7
sewerage system in
and efficient and Hateg town, Hunedoara Master Plan of the Application under
environment county preparation
Sewerage system
Resources Natural Public including wastewater Local Council Sewerage system including construction of wastewater treatment plant Included in the Financing 6.51 6.51
treatment plant in Tăuţii-
and efficient and Magherăuş, Busag and Tautii Magheraus Master Plan of the Application under
environment county preparation
secure Merişor, Maramureş

availability county

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