Page 203 - ePaper
P. 203
Developing a software
solution allowing
Railway electronic recording and Ministry of Developing a software solution allowing electronic recording and Pre-feasibility study by The liability context of applying the provisions of
Transport Public settling the requests to Transport No 0.40 0.40
passenger ensure specific services SNTFC "CFR settling the requests to ensure specific services for people with the prudent private Regulation 454/2011 /EC (TAP-TSI) and Regulation
transport reduced mobility investor test 1371/2007(EC).
for people with reduced Passengers" S.A.
Replacement programe
of the specific
Railway equipment of electronic Ministry of Replacement programe of the specific equipment of electronic Pre-feasibility study by Continues beyond 2017 in order to harmonise the systems
Transport Public Transport No 16.55 16.55
passenger systems for issuance of SNTFC "CFR systems for issuance of tickets in domestic and international traffic the prudent private with the European ones
transport tickets in domestic and Passengers" S.A. investor test
international traffic
Achieving a program
on issuance and Ministry of
Transport Railway Public management of special Transport Achieving a program on issuance and management of special type of No Pre-feasibility study by 1.00 1.00 Continues beyond 2017 in order to harmonise the systems
passenger type of passes SNTFC "CFR passes (authorizations, tickets, passes and FIP) the prudent private with the European ones
transport investor test
(authorizations, tickets, Passengers" S.A.
passes and FIP)
Increasing the Ministry of
Transport Railway Public exploitation efficiency of Transport Increasing the exploitation efficiency of available resources No Pre-feasibility study by 0.70 0.70 Own funds
passenger the prudent private
transport available resources SNTFC "CFR investor test
Passengers" S.A.
Purchasing equipment Ministry of
Transport Railway Public for drop in pressure / Transport Purchasing equipment for drop in pressure / pressure of wheels from / No Pre-feasibility study by 0.80 0.80 Own funds
passenger pressure of wheels SNTFC "CFR on the axle shaft the prudent private
transport from / on the axle shaft investor test
Passengers" S.A.
Purchasing automatic Ministry of
Transport Railway Public lathe bandages at Cluj Transport Purchasing automatic lathe bandages at Cluj and Timisoara depots No Pre-feasibility study by 2.82 2.82 Own funds
passenger and Timisoara depots SNTFC "CFR the prudent private
transport investor test
Passengers" S.A.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Craiova – Calafat Național Company Yes 581.00 5.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Ploiesti – Buzau- - Național Company Yes 3,199.00 36.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing Focsani ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links – Bacau – Pascani – possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Bucuresti – Giurgiu Național Company Yes 420.00 4.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Sibiu – Fagaras Național Company Yes 635.00 7.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Brașov – Bacau Național Company Yes 1,190.00 14.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Sibiu Pitesti Național Company Yes 2,410.00 14.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
Page 31
Developing a software
solution allowing
Railway electronic recording and Ministry of Developing a software solution allowing electronic recording and Pre-feasibility study by The liability context of applying the provisions of
Transport Public settling the requests to Transport No 0.40 0.40
passenger ensure specific services SNTFC "CFR settling the requests to ensure specific services for people with the prudent private Regulation 454/2011 /EC (TAP-TSI) and Regulation
transport reduced mobility investor test 1371/2007(EC).
for people with reduced Passengers" S.A.
Replacement programe
of the specific
Railway equipment of electronic Ministry of Replacement programe of the specific equipment of electronic Pre-feasibility study by Continues beyond 2017 in order to harmonise the systems
Transport Public Transport No 16.55 16.55
passenger systems for issuance of SNTFC "CFR systems for issuance of tickets in domestic and international traffic the prudent private with the European ones
transport tickets in domestic and Passengers" S.A. investor test
international traffic
Achieving a program
on issuance and Ministry of
Transport Railway Public management of special Transport Achieving a program on issuance and management of special type of No Pre-feasibility study by 1.00 1.00 Continues beyond 2017 in order to harmonise the systems
passenger type of passes SNTFC "CFR passes (authorizations, tickets, passes and FIP) the prudent private with the European ones
transport investor test
(authorizations, tickets, Passengers" S.A.
passes and FIP)
Increasing the Ministry of
Transport Railway Public exploitation efficiency of Transport Increasing the exploitation efficiency of available resources No Pre-feasibility study by 0.70 0.70 Own funds
passenger the prudent private
transport available resources SNTFC "CFR investor test
Passengers" S.A.
Purchasing equipment Ministry of
Transport Railway Public for drop in pressure / Transport Purchasing equipment for drop in pressure / pressure of wheels from / No Pre-feasibility study by 0.80 0.80 Own funds
passenger pressure of wheels SNTFC "CFR on the axle shaft the prudent private
transport from / on the axle shaft investor test
Passengers" S.A.
Purchasing automatic Ministry of
Transport Railway Public lathe bandages at Cluj Transport Purchasing automatic lathe bandages at Cluj and Timisoara depots No Pre-feasibility study by 2.82 2.82 Own funds
passenger and Timisoara depots SNTFC "CFR the prudent private
transport investor test
Passengers" S.A.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Craiova – Calafat Național Company Yes 581.00 5.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Ploiesti – Buzau- - Național Company Yes 3,199.00 36.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing Focsani ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links – Bacau – Pascani – possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Bucuresti – Giurgiu Național Company Yes 420.00 4.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Sibiu – Fagaras Național Company Yes 635.00 7.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Brașov – Bacau Național Company Yes 1,190.00 14.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
for Roads
Transport Corridors and Public Sibiu Pitesti Național Company Yes 2,410.00 14.00 possible insufficient budget allowances, in order to
missing ensure co-financing from the State Budget.Any
links possible unforeseen scenarios occurred during
project implementation, which may lead to delays in
its completion.
Page 31