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EU through the support for appropriate support base as well as
systematically important staff the systematically important staff
positions within the Slovak positions, and linked to the support
Academy of Sciences and the for the mobility of researchers,
Slovak Universities, as well enabling scientists to undertake
as through support targeted international cooperation without the
specifically at medium-term risk of brain drain, leading to more
and long-term study and intense development of science and
research mobility within all R&D on the national level.
scientific disciplines (social
sciences and humanities,
natural and technical
sciences, as well as medical
Knowledge Public R&D Creation of an Slovak The aim of the project is to No Under preparation 0.1 0.1 Lack of financial resources; little to no
and the International Academy of allow Slovakia (as well as capacity in terms of working positions
Digital Network of Sciences (in other Central European in this type of infrastructure projects
Economy Databases in cooperation countries) to join in with the
the Social and with a emerging system of Europe-
Linguistic consortium of wide databases of social and
Sciences Slovak linguistic data (CESSDA,
Universities language corpuses etc.). This
and is to be achieved through the
participating creation of a functioning
institutions infrastructure for scientific
from the research, which would
whole of the integrate historical as well as
EU) topical documents and
databases along with the
appropriate protection for
sensitive data and with efforts
to ensure language
compatibility in the European

Knowledge Public projects for Science, Armed Forces Restarting the science, R & D in no Project is in the 0,18 0,13 Working partnership with
and the digital R&D research and Academy the areas prioritized by AOS stage of detail plan other ogranizations is
economy technology Liptovsky LM/ASR/MOSR along with according to areas crucial to secure
transfer center Mikulas with implementation of the results is of R & D. Priorities successful
at Armed cooperation the main goal of the developed for R & D have implementation. The
Forces with Ministry of center. We are talking about been assigned. formation of these
Academy Defense following areas: distant earth Procurement is partnerships is in its initial

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