Page 215 - ePaper
P. 215
Liptovsky reconnaissance, big data ready to start. stage. We anticipate
Mikulas (AFA wireless data transfer, advanced some issues regarding
LM) defense technology, CritSit personal coverage, as we
solutions, natural disaster are talking about most
management. Followed by know- advanced technologies
how integration into professional where highly competitive
and career training in the means conditions must be
of recent paradigms and modern prepared to attract skilled
technologies. workforce.
Knowledge Private research Nanotechnologi CEIT, a.s. The project aims toward research No Project description 0.139 0.139 Method of financing /
and digital and development es – research Žilina, Slovak excellence whose globally completed decision about
economy projects (KETs— and Academy of acceptable outcomes are globally implementing the project
key technologies) development, Sciences new knowledge, unique description still unclear
technologies of + technologies and progressive
large-volume University of production mass production
mono-crystal Žilina system of industrially verified
leucosapphire mono-crystals. The proposed
and YAG project focuses on research
production excellence, building a new
industrial sector and supporting
Slovak exports. The project’s main
goal is fast transfer of results of
research excellence to industrial
applications, while cooperating
with research capacities from
universities, the Slovak Academy
of Sciences, research institutes
and industry.
Knowledge Public research Green University of The green energy and No Project description 0.120 0.088 Method of financing /
and digital and development transportation, Žilina transportation project addresses completed decision about
economy projects (research energy and two basic problems of human implementing the project
infrastructure, smart systems + other entities settlements in the 21 century: description still unclear
- Green transportation – safe
and smooth passenger and
freight transport infrastructure
and provision of services to
reduce energy demand.
- Renewable energy and
efficient use of available
Mikulas (AFA wireless data transfer, advanced some issues regarding
LM) defense technology, CritSit personal coverage, as we
solutions, natural disaster are talking about most
management. Followed by know- advanced technologies
how integration into professional where highly competitive
and career training in the means conditions must be
of recent paradigms and modern prepared to attract skilled
technologies. workforce.
Knowledge Private research Nanotechnologi CEIT, a.s. The project aims toward research No Project description 0.139 0.139 Method of financing /
and digital and development es – research Žilina, Slovak excellence whose globally completed decision about
economy projects (KETs— and Academy of acceptable outcomes are globally implementing the project
key technologies) development, Sciences new knowledge, unique description still unclear
technologies of + technologies and progressive
large-volume University of production mass production
mono-crystal Žilina system of industrially verified
leucosapphire mono-crystals. The proposed
and YAG project focuses on research
production excellence, building a new
industrial sector and supporting
Slovak exports. The project’s main
goal is fast transfer of results of
research excellence to industrial
applications, while cooperating
with research capacities from
universities, the Slovak Academy
of Sciences, research institutes
and industry.
Knowledge Public research Green University of The green energy and No Project description 0.120 0.088 Method of financing /
and digital and development transportation, Žilina transportation project addresses completed decision about
economy projects (research energy and two basic problems of human implementing the project
infrastructure, smart systems + other entities settlements in the 21 century: description still unclear
- Green transportation – safe
and smooth passenger and
freight transport infrastructure
and provision of services to
reduce energy demand.
- Renewable energy and
efficient use of available