Page 655 - ePaper
P. 655
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Building of the significantly lags behind implement those projects in time.
secondary roads the modern and
Intermodal interrelated railway Other possibilities to invest through
infrastructure transport systems of the European Union grants are far less
(terminals) EU Member States from attractive, considering low co-financing
technical, economic and rate, and lack of public and private
technological points of capital/funds.
view – all of those
mention projects will
help Lithuanian railway
infrastructure to meet
existing requirements.
Transp Road VIA BalticaLithuanian New EU transport Yes Planning 1 and,4 1,2 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport corridor Road policy (the White Paper permitting in final preparatory works – land acquisition
Road safety and Administra of 2011) requires stages. processes, public procurement
security tion under building or upgrading of documentation, technical documentation,
measures the the existing infrastructure Some of the etc.
Road crossings Ministry of of the core network in projects have high
Improvement of Transport order to meet the TEN-T maturity level - Challenges in set-up of new programming
roads (including and criteria by 2030. This is a already ready to period for 2014-2020.- especially in the
cross borderCommunic very complex and start. CEF programme
sections) ations ofdifficult task for many
Traffic the Member States of the To implement those projects a
management and Republic of EU. Many sections of the Construction start combination of public and private
monitoring Lithuania transport network are expected between capital/funds, is envisaged, but still there is
systems missing or are in a very 2015-2020. a lack of finances.
poor condition due to the
IXB corridor lack of sufficient level of Other possibilities to invest through
improvement maintenance in the late European Union grants are far less
Road safety and 1980’s and 1990’s and attractive, considering low co-financing
security require serious upgrading rate, and lack of public and private
measures or rehabilitation. We capital/funds.
Road crossings fully support the
Improvement of European Policy to
roads (including strengthen the
cross border development of railway
sections) infrastructure, but roads
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Building of the significantly lags behind implement those projects in time.
secondary roads the modern and
Intermodal interrelated railway Other possibilities to invest through
infrastructure transport systems of the European Union grants are far less
(terminals) EU Member States from attractive, considering low co-financing
technical, economic and rate, and lack of public and private
technological points of capital/funds.
view – all of those
mention projects will
help Lithuanian railway
infrastructure to meet
existing requirements.
Transp Road VIA BalticaLithuanian New EU transport Yes Planning 1 and,4 1,2 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport corridor Road policy (the White Paper permitting in final preparatory works – land acquisition
Road safety and Administra of 2011) requires stages. processes, public procurement
security tion under building or upgrading of documentation, technical documentation,
measures the the existing infrastructure Some of the etc.
Road crossings Ministry of of the core network in projects have high
Improvement of Transport order to meet the TEN-T maturity level - Challenges in set-up of new programming
roads (including and criteria by 2030. This is a already ready to period for 2014-2020.- especially in the
cross borderCommunic very complex and start. CEF programme
sections) ations ofdifficult task for many
Traffic the Member States of the To implement those projects a
management and Republic of EU. Many sections of the Construction start combination of public and private
monitoring Lithuania transport network are expected between capital/funds, is envisaged, but still there is
systems missing or are in a very 2015-2020. a lack of finances.
poor condition due to the
IXB corridor lack of sufficient level of Other possibilities to invest through
improvement maintenance in the late European Union grants are far less
Road safety and 1980’s and 1990’s and attractive, considering low co-financing
security require serious upgrading rate, and lack of public and private
measures or rehabilitation. We capital/funds.
Road crossings fully support the
Improvement of European Policy to
roads (including strengthen the
cross border development of railway
sections) infrastructure, but roads