Page 658 - ePaper
P. 658
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Transp Water State sea port Klaipėda The efficiency of the Yes 0.3 0.15 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport improvement State interaction between the preparatory works – land acquisition
Dredging of the Seaport Lithuanian railway processes, public procurement
canal network and the Klaipėda documentation, technical documentation,
Deep-water port Šventoji State Seaport ha s to be etc.
infrastructure seaport increased: the seaport has
Enhance an underdeveloped Challenges in set-up of new programming
navigation Directorate railway network. There is period for 2014-2020.- especially in the
systems of Inlandan insufficient depth of CEF programme
Water the water area, the port
Inland Roads cannot accept big Other possibilities to invest through
waterways container vessels, and the European Union grants are far less
infrastructure general-cargo vessels are attractive, considering low co-financing
Modern not fully loaded. This rate, and lack of public and private
harbours limits the opportunities capital/funds.
Interaction with for competing with deep-
other transport water ports that can
means accept BALTMAX and
PANAMAX vessels. It
would be expedient to
build an outer deep-sea
port which could accept
vessels with larger draft.
The inland waterways
infrastructure is in poor
condition, outdated and
in many cases do not fit
for use; the harbours do
not meet modern
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Transp Water State sea port Klaipėda The efficiency of the Yes 0.3 0.15 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport improvement State interaction between the preparatory works – land acquisition
Dredging of the Seaport Lithuanian railway processes, public procurement
canal network and the Klaipėda documentation, technical documentation,
Deep-water port Šventoji State Seaport ha s to be etc.
infrastructure seaport increased: the seaport has
Enhance an underdeveloped Challenges in set-up of new programming
navigation Directorate railway network. There is period for 2014-2020.- especially in the
systems of Inlandan insufficient depth of CEF programme
Water the water area, the port
Inland Roads cannot accept big Other possibilities to invest through
waterways container vessels, and the European Union grants are far less
infrastructure general-cargo vessels are attractive, considering low co-financing
Modern not fully loaded. This rate, and lack of public and private
harbours limits the opportunities capital/funds.
Interaction with for competing with deep-
other transport water ports that can
means accept BALTMAX and
PANAMAX vessels. It
would be expedient to
build an outer deep-sea
port which could accept
vessels with larger draft.
The inland waterways
infrastructure is in poor
condition, outdated and
in many cases do not fit
for use; the harbours do
not meet modern