Page 661 - ePaper
P. 661
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Construc Construc Survey of the Ministry of The project is a part of No Preparation process 0.01-0.03 Investment Barrier: lack of EU financing.
tion tion possibilities to Environme the initiative to of the pilot project (dependi needed in
implement nt/Public implement of Building has just started. ng on the 2017 will Solution: project financed by EU grants,
Building body Information Modelling Pilot will be evaluatio be from CEF, EIB, ESF and/or MS finance.
information “Skaitmeni (BIM) technologies in conducted during ns after evaluated
modelling (BIM) nė statyba” the construction sector 2015-2016. The the pilot after the
Methodology of the Republic of results of pilot and the Pilot
and principles of Lithuania, by: project will be used scenario project at
digital • forming a single to make the chosen) the end of
construction in information structure decisions on scope, 2016
the Republic of and coding methods and tools
Lithuania (classification system) (classification
of the construction systems) of the
sector; creating an e- implementation of
environment and to the principles of
ensure preconditions digital construction
for improving labour in the Republic of
productivity in the Lithuania.
business enterprises of
the Lithuanian
construction sector;
• analysing the - e
solutions of digital
construction available
in the world, the EU
and Lithuania.
Selecting the most
appropriate solutions
and applying them to
the Lithuanian market
in order to integrate a
single classification
system into these
• developing and
promoting the
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Construc Construc Survey of the Ministry of The project is a part of No Preparation process 0.01-0.03 Investment Barrier: lack of EU financing.
tion tion possibilities to Environme the initiative to of the pilot project (dependi needed in
implement nt/Public implement of Building has just started. ng on the 2017 will Solution: project financed by EU grants,
Building body Information Modelling Pilot will be evaluatio be from CEF, EIB, ESF and/or MS finance.
information “Skaitmeni (BIM) technologies in conducted during ns after evaluated
modelling (BIM) nė statyba” the construction sector 2015-2016. The the pilot after the
Methodology of the Republic of results of pilot and the Pilot
and principles of Lithuania, by: project will be used scenario project at
digital • forming a single to make the chosen) the end of
construction in information structure decisions on scope, 2016
the Republic of and coding methods and tools
Lithuania (classification system) (classification
of the construction systems) of the
sector; creating an e- implementation of
environment and to the principles of
ensure preconditions digital construction
for improving labour in the Republic of
productivity in the Lithuania.
business enterprises of
the Lithuanian
construction sector;
• analysing the - e
solutions of digital
construction available
in the world, the EU
and Lithuania.
Selecting the most
appropriate solutions
and applying them to
the Lithuanian market
in order to integrate a
single classification
system into these
• developing and
promoting the