Page 652 - ePaper
P. 652
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
renovated and
augmented with proper
water treatment units.
Transp Air Reconstruction SE Implementation of this Yes Planning 0 and.1 0.1 Challenges in set-up of new programming
ort transport and Lietuvos group of projects will permitting in final period for 2014-2020, due to notification
modernization of oro uostai enable the mitigation of stages. process of state aid. Lack of financing,
infrastructure of (Lithuanian environmental impact, Construction start both – private and national budget.
Lithuanian Joint improvement of flight expected between
airports Airports) safety and aviation 2015 - 2018.
Transp Railway IXB corridorAB The railway Yes Planning 2 and.0 1.7 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport modernisation „Lietuvos infrastructure is permitting in final preparatory work - land acquisition
Electrification of geležinkeli physically worn out; stages. processes, public procurement
the whole TEN- ai“ furthermore, the key documentation, technical documentation,
T network technical parameters of Some of the etc.
Building of the State railway infrastructure (e. projects have high
secondary roads Railway g. the curve radius) limit maturity level - Challenges in set-up of new programming
along Inspectorat the speed in many already ready to period for 2014-2020, especially in the
corridor e under the sections, therefore, start. CEF programme.
Monitoring of Ministry of modernisation of the
the infrastructure Transport upper part of the To implement those projects a
condition infrastructure (tracks, Construction start combination of public and private
ties, mm counication expected between capital/funds, is envisaged, but still there is
Rail Baltica systems) does not resolve 2015-2018. a lack of finances.
project the speed problem – that
implementation is why we need improve Challenges in set-up of new programming
ERTMS our railway infrastructure period for 2014-2020, especially in the
implementation entirely. CEF programme.
Signaling The network of
systems electrified lines is
Monitoring of underdeveloped. Considering the amount of the works in
the infrastructure The current the railway sector (and other sectors too)
condition Lithuanian railway sector we see lack of competent companies to
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
renovated and
augmented with proper
water treatment units.
Transp Air Reconstruction SE Implementation of this Yes Planning 0 and.1 0.1 Challenges in set-up of new programming
ort transport and Lietuvos group of projects will permitting in final period for 2014-2020, due to notification
modernization of oro uostai enable the mitigation of stages. process of state aid. Lack of financing,
infrastructure of (Lithuanian environmental impact, Construction start both – private and national budget.
Lithuanian Joint improvement of flight expected between
airports Airports) safety and aviation 2015 - 2018.
Transp Railway IXB corridorAB The railway Yes Planning 2 and.0 1.7 Lack of long term finance, long
ort transport modernisation „Lietuvos infrastructure is permitting in final preparatory work - land acquisition
Electrification of geležinkeli physically worn out; stages. processes, public procurement
the whole TEN- ai“ furthermore, the key documentation, technical documentation,
T network technical parameters of Some of the etc.
Building of the State railway infrastructure (e. projects have high
secondary roads Railway g. the curve radius) limit maturity level - Challenges in set-up of new programming
along Inspectorat the speed in many already ready to period for 2014-2020, especially in the
corridor e under the sections, therefore, start. CEF programme.
Monitoring of Ministry of modernisation of the
the infrastructure Transport upper part of the To implement those projects a
condition infrastructure (tracks, Construction start combination of public and private
ties, mm counication expected between capital/funds, is envisaged, but still there is
Rail Baltica systems) does not resolve 2015-2018. a lack of finances.
project the speed problem – that
implementation is why we need improve Challenges in set-up of new programming
ERTMS our railway infrastructure period for 2014-2020, especially in the
implementation entirely. CEF programme.
Signaling The network of
systems electrified lines is
Monitoring of underdeveloped. Considering the amount of the works in
the infrastructure The current the railway sector (and other sectors too)
condition Lithuanian railway sector we see lack of competent companies to