Page 648 - ePaper
P. 648
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
High- IT, Technology Science In Lithuania, there is no No Planning 0.0579 - The regulations which define access to the
tech optoelectr centers: and sufficient infrastructure Structural Funds only allow 50 % of the
onics and Multi-function technology for experimental maximum financing intensity for R&D
lasers, experimental parks and development activities infrastructure, which condition constitutes
environme development private and trial production a disadvantage for the applicants (the
ntal center for high- sector/Age seeking to promote the business sector and science and technology
engineerin tech sectors: IT; ncy for commercialization of parks). Moreover, the administrative
g, Photonics Science, research results. requirements applicable to the structural
sustainabl Technology; Innovation Therefore, it is planned support projects as well as the insufficient
e energy, Health and to set up several level of informa tion which is disposed by
health Technology; Technolog technology centers to applicants makes the situation even more
technolog Electronic, y address the industry difficult.
y, energy sustainable needs. It will help reduce
sector energy, the existing ‘valley of
environmental death’ and encourage
engineering and companies to develop
others. experimental activities
as well as create and
commercialize new
products. R&D and
innovation are extremely
risky areas, thus
technology centers for
R&D must comply with
the highest requirements.
Not all companies are
able to invest in such
high-level centers.
The sectors are chosen
based on their strong
scientific potential and
with due regards to the
industrial potential. Two
centers are planned to be
established in the
locations which are most
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
High- IT, Technology Science In Lithuania, there is no No Planning 0.0579 - The regulations which define access to the
tech optoelectr centers: and sufficient infrastructure Structural Funds only allow 50 % of the
onics and Multi-function technology for experimental maximum financing intensity for R&D
lasers, experimental parks and development activities infrastructure, which condition constitutes
environme development private and trial production a disadvantage for the applicants (the
ntal center for high- sector/Age seeking to promote the business sector and science and technology
engineerin tech sectors: IT; ncy for commercialization of parks). Moreover, the administrative
g, Photonics Science, research results. requirements applicable to the structural
sustainabl Technology; Innovation Therefore, it is planned support projects as well as the insufficient
e energy, Health and to set up several level of informa tion which is disposed by
health Technology; Technolog technology centers to applicants makes the situation even more
technolog Electronic, y address the industry difficult.
y, energy sustainable needs. It will help reduce
sector energy, the existing ‘valley of
environmental death’ and encourage
engineering and companies to develop
others. experimental activities
as well as create and
commercialize new
products. R&D and
innovation are extremely
risky areas, thus
technology centers for
R&D must comply with
the highest requirements.
Not all companies are
able to invest in such
high-level centers.
The sectors are chosen
based on their strong
scientific potential and
with due regards to the
industrial potential. Two
centers are planned to be
established in the
locations which are most