Page 643 - ePaper
P. 643
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Lithuania the park’s territory more declared the
attractive for setting up project of the
large data centers and Kruonis park
developing high-tech, as extremely
energy production and significant for
research projects. These Lithuanian
investments are essential economy and
for large scale data ed it
centers involved in data into the list of
processing, hosting and state industrial
related activities park
ICT Data Baltic A Seauthorized Baltic Sea Backbone No Planning Baltic Sea Backbone Cable project is an
centers Backbone Cable institution Cable will be built important contribution to the
(Sea Lion(to b beetween Finland and implementation of "A Digital Agenda for
project) confirmed), Germany with one Europe" targets at EU level. In addition,
Invest possible branching access to very high speed, robust and
Lithuania element to include resilient connectivity is critical for foreign
Lithuania (Klaipeda). direct investment in the areas such as data
The cable would connect centers, web services applications server
Finland’s and nodes, post production businesses in
Lithuania’s data transfer digital media as well as financial
to global networks from transaction centers. Furthermore, data
whole Europe. center investors prioritize countries where
By joining this Finnish telecommunications have been secured
Government initiated with several alternative traffic routing
project, a branch to possibilities.
Klaipeda would be
build. Lithuania would
have a new shortest
route to Germany and
this would ensure a
reduced time lag for data
traffic. This would be of
significant benefit for
the operations of data
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Lithuania the park’s territory more declared the
attractive for setting up project of the
large data centers and Kruonis park
developing high-tech, as extremely
energy production and significant for
research projects. These Lithuanian
investments are essential economy and
for large scale data ed it
centers involved in data into the list of
processing, hosting and state industrial
related activities park
ICT Data Baltic A Seauthorized Baltic Sea Backbone No Planning Baltic Sea Backbone Cable project is an
centers Backbone Cable institution Cable will be built important contribution to the
(Sea Lion(to b beetween Finland and implementation of "A Digital Agenda for
project) confirmed), Germany with one Europe" targets at EU level. In addition,
Invest possible branching access to very high speed, robust and
Lithuania element to include resilient connectivity is critical for foreign
Lithuania (Klaipeda). direct investment in the areas such as data
The cable would connect centers, web services applications server
Finland’s and nodes, post production businesses in
Lithuania’s data transfer digital media as well as financial
to global networks from transaction centers. Furthermore, data
whole Europe. center investors prioritize countries where
By joining this Finnish telecommunications have been secured
Government initiated with several alternative traffic routing
project, a branch to possibilities.
Klaipeda would be
build. Lithuania would
have a new shortest
route to Germany and
this would ensure a
reduced time lag for data
traffic. This would be of
significant benefit for
the operations of data