Page 651 - ePaper
P. 651
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
developed in terms of
science and research as
well as industrial
potential. The centers
will be a platform for
R&D collaboration with
the neighboring
countries, as these
centers have no
analogues in Estonia and
Energy Energy Renovation of Ministry of Energy efficiency of Yes On-going 7.2 0.3 1. Relatively low borrowing capacity of
efficiency buildings – Energy and some 24 000 multi- apartment owners;
residential and Ministry of apartment blocks and 2. Banking sector cautious to augment the
public Environme 1000 public buildings scheme due to the above and demonstrate
nt across the nation need to only a limited interest to put in its own
be renovated. While a resources;
vigorous renovation 3. Construction market failure – shortage
effort with financing of skilled and potent undertakers to tap the
scheme based on demand.
financial instruments
was launched in 2009
and will continue
through 2014-2020, it
will result in only some
5000 buildings
Enviro Adaptatio Storm water Municipalit Storm water systems in Yes On-going 1.0 0.1 1. High investment needs as opposed to
nment n to management ies urban areas across the revenue streams raised by network owner
climate country have not been and operators;
change/wa designed to address the 2. Legislation providing for collection of
ter ever increasing storm user charges for storm water management
resources water load due growing not fully enforced as yet.
manageme severity of inclement
nt weather occurrences and
need to be expanded and
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
developed in terms of
science and research as
well as industrial
potential. The centers
will be a platform for
R&D collaboration with
the neighboring
countries, as these
centers have no
analogues in Estonia and
Energy Energy Renovation of Ministry of Energy efficiency of Yes On-going 7.2 0.3 1. Relatively low borrowing capacity of
efficiency buildings – Energy and some 24 000 multi- apartment owners;
residential and Ministry of apartment blocks and 2. Banking sector cautious to augment the
public Environme 1000 public buildings scheme due to the above and demonstrate
nt across the nation need to only a limited interest to put in its own
be renovated. While a resources;
vigorous renovation 3. Construction market failure – shortage
effort with financing of skilled and potent undertakers to tap the
scheme based on demand.
financial instruments
was launched in 2009
and will continue
through 2014-2020, it
will result in only some
5000 buildings
Enviro Adaptatio Storm water Municipalit Storm water systems in Yes On-going 1.0 0.1 1. High investment needs as opposed to
nment n to management ies urban areas across the revenue streams raised by network owner
climate country have not been and operators;
change/wa designed to address the 2. Legislation providing for collection of
ter ever increasing storm user charges for storm water management
resources water load due growing not fully enforced as yet.
manageme severity of inclement
nt weather occurrences and
need to be expanded and