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Knowledge and the Public R&D public Estonian Ministry of The European Social Survey is a distributed No Project is in the implementation 0.001 0.001 B: Lack of
Digital Economy participation in Education and Research Infrastructure. ESS-ERIC is in the ESFRI phase, Estonia is a founding Government
European Social Research priority list of projects that need support for member of European Social infrastructure
Survey ESS- sustainability and European coverage (ESFRI list Survey-ERIC. investments
ERIC approved by EU Competitiveness Council 26 May S: Use of structural
2014). funds. Investment
plan related to the
use of 2014-2020
EU Structural Funds
for R&D in Estonia
will be compiled
Knowledge and the Public R&D public European Ministry of The European Infrastructure for Translational No EATRIS-ERIC is a ESFRI 0.012 0.006 B: Lack of
Digital Economy Infrastructure for Education and Medicine is a distributed research infrastructure. Roadmap project and it is in the Government
Translational Research Investment need for the Estonian National Centre implementation phase. Estonia is a infrastructure
Medicine EATRIS- for Translational and Clinical Research is 12 founding member of EATRIS- investments
ERIC MEUR. ERIC. S: Use of structural
funds. Investment
plan related to the
use of 2014-2020
EU Structural Funds
for R&D in Estonia
will be compiled
Knowledge and the Private R&D public Nordic-Baltic Ministry of Providing venture funding for innovative No Not started (Baltic Innovation Fund 0.400 0.400 S: Involvement of
Digital Economy private Innovation Fund II Economic Affairs companies through fund-of-fund structure, I currently active) EIF is necessary to
and following the succesful example of the current leverage the
Communications/ Baltic Innovation Fund. In order to enhance commitments by
KredEx cooperation between innovative companies in the governments and
Nordic-Baltic region and integrate the Nordic and thereby create
Baltic venture capital markets, we aim to broaden incentives for private
the scope to include also the Nordic countries. sector participation.

Knowledge and the Private R&D private Network of Enterprise Scope: carrying out cooperative R&D projects, No Part of the infrastructure has 0.100 0.050 B: Lack of long term
Digital Economy Technological Estonia, in providing R&D services for private actors on already been financed by the finance.
Research Centres cooperation with European and international scale, building on existing Technological S: Funding scheme
Nordic and Baltic existing infrastructure, developing new facilities Competence Programmes.
member states where necessary. Seed funds to be included for Additional infrastructre is
financing cooperative R&D and spin-offs. necessary for building necessary
capacities for internationalisation.
Knowledge and the Digital Service public The development Ministry of The basic infrastructure for services supports the Yes Cluster of priority projects 0.050 0.010 B: Interoperability
Digital Economy Infrastructure of common Economic Affairs activities of individuals and enterprises in Estonia (technology,
service base for and and cross-border. institutions, cross-
the public and the Communications border).
private sector
Knowledge and the Public Services public Development of Ministry of The quality of public services will be harmonised Yes 0.1 0.040 B: Interoperability
Digital Economy Better Public Economic Affairs and cooperation between public bodies providing (technology,
Services by Using and these services will be improved. User-friendliness institutions, cross-
ICT Communications border).
of public services will be improved by taking into
account the interests and needs of users. The
quality of public services will be harmonised and
cooperation between public bodies providing these
services will be improved. The impact and cost-
effectiveness of public service provision will be
increased. The following actions will be
implemented:The development of public services
will be made more efficient:The development and
implementation of sectoral ICT projects will be
Knowledge and the Telecommunications PPP Improving Access Ministry of The basic network of the next-generation internet Yes 2300/6500 kilometres ready 0.065 0.030 B: Market failure in
Digital Economy infrastructure to the Internet Economic Affairs will be completed. sparsely populated
and regions and in some
Communications urban areas.
and Estonian
n Operators
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