Page 252 - ePaper
P. 252
Knowledge and the Telecommunications private 4G deployment Telecommunicatio 4G network will be fully deployed by 2018 by three No One of three operators has 0.100 0.100 B: Market failure in
Digital Economy infrastructure n Operators operators completed deployment, others sparsely populated
have done so in the main regions.
population centres
2. Energy
Energy Connections and public Regional Baltic Ministry of Regional Baltic LNG terminal is important for the Yes LNG project of the Baltic States 0.400 0.400 S: Co-financing
production private LNG terminal Economic Affairs Baltic States and Finland to end isolation, integrate and Finland region (location not under CEF
and markets, ensure secure supplies and diversify specified) is listed in the PCI list.
Communications energy sources. No application has been issued yet
to the first CEF TEN-E call for
Energy Connections and public Balticconnector Ministry of Baltic States and Finland to end isolation, integrate Yes Project roadmap was signed by 0.200 0.200 S: Application
production private Economic Affairs markets, ensure secure supplies and diversify Estonian and Finnish project submitted for co-
and energy sources. developers, governments and the financing under CEF
Communications European Commission in 2014.
According to current estimation,
the project should be completed in
2019-2020. The project is listed in
the PCI list. Application to the 1st
round of CEF has been submitted
for under-sea studies for the off-
shore part.
Energy Production private Transforming the Ois shale sector No Underway, Two oil production 5.000 n/a B: EU fuel quality
Estonian oil shale The producer’s plans foresee producing 2,5M tons plants have recently been regulation,
sector from of oil shale oil per year (currently around 0,5Mt of completed plummeting global oil
producing oil shale oil and 1Mcm of retort gas is produced). price (over
electricity to This would allow the oil shale sector to provide for 80$/barrel needed).
producing oil around 6% value added in the Estonian economy
shale oil and generate around 12000 new jobs.
Energy Grids public Synchronous Ministry of Estonia and the other Baltic States are currently Yes First steps for Estonia: studies, 0.400 0.050 B: Lack of long term
operation of the Economic Affairs synchronously connected to the Northwestern interconnections with Latvia. finance.
Baltic electricity and Russian electricity grid. The aim is to build S: Funding scheme
market with the Communications converters to the borders and synchronise with the
Continental and Elering (TSO) Continental European networks
Energy Connections and public EU Regional H2 Ministry of In order to save energy we face the problems to No Project proposal has been sent to 0.010 0.010 B: Lack of long term
production private Footprint Economic Affairs find innovative solutions for public transport. The Horizon 2020 programme in finance.
Research and and project is going to explore and implement November 2014. S: Funding scheme
Innovation Project Communications/ renewable energy solutions in public transport in
Local municipality Pärnu by implementing hydrogen technology:
Establish a complete solar farm onto the former
landfill, which produces the renewable energy into
the grid; Install a stationary complete hydrogen
electrolyser system; Programme the electrolyser
production cycle for operating during the electricity
low demand
(night-time); Acting as the GRID BALANCER by
producing electricity during the day-time,
selling/ (storage) it into the grid and buying back as
“Green energy” during the night-time for the
electrolyser; Establish for produced hydrogen a
storage system; Close to the hydrogen production
and storage site establish a complete
refueling station for hydrogen vehicles and H2 road
tankers for distribution.

3. Transport
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