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P. 255
Transport Corridors and public Rail Baltic Ministry of Rail Baltic is one of the most significant investment Yes Planning and permitting in final 3.600 1.000 B: Lack of long term
missing links private Economic Affairs projects in the Baltic Sea Region, being part of the stages Construction start expected finance +
and Core TEN-T Corridors. According to the European in 2018. coordination and
Communications Commission, the project is among Top 5 funding permitting problems,
priorities of the Connecting Europe Facility. The leading to possible
project seeks to integrate the Baltic States with the delays.
European railway network and to bring future S: Prospectively,
economic growth to the region, reaching to Finland need for additional
and Poland. funding under post-
2021 period. /
Application for co-
financing under CEF
prepared for the
2014 Call for

Transport Corridors and public National Ministry of This document covers the investment needs of Yes The main part of the investment 0.305 0.305 B: Co-financing by
missing links private Transport Economic Affairs different transport sectors until 2020. All projects plan will be execute 2015-2017. local municipalities.
Infrastructure and are in line with state`s priorities for choesion policy. S: The use of 2014-
Investment Plan Communications The national investment program involves different 2020 EU Structural
2014-2020 road-, railroad-, maritime- and airtraffic Funds
(program) infrastructure investments. Some of the projects
are related to TEN-T core network. It has not yet
been approved by the Government.
Transport Corridors and public Viru Link Ministry of The distance between coasts of east parts of No Port of Kunda is owned by private 0.020 0.020 B: Lack of long term
missing links private Economic Affairs Estonia and Finland is approximately 60 miles. company. Has drawn: a detail plan finance.
and During the centuries the nations on both side of about widening port as passenger S: Funding scheme
Communications Finnish gulf had natural, tight connections just over port; construction drawings of
the see, at the moment due to many political and passenger quay; 3-D architectual
economical reasons from history the main image of passenger terminal. A
passenger and cargo link between Estonia and survey about potential passenger
Finland are the ports of Tallinn and Helsinki. For (tourist, commuters) flow and cargo
east part of Estonia to move persons and cargo to flow between Kunda and
east part of Finland for instance, takes distance of Kotka has been compiled (under
more than 400 till 500 km ( it means 4 time longer regular connections is meant a
than just over the sea) and for central and southern regular passengers and cargo
part of Estonia no alternative route ( by trucks ferry connection). The
distances, by prices) to Finland, but Tallinn. The investment plan comprises
port of Sillamäe has experience to have regular constructing a passenger quay
connection, but it was cancelled due to economical (appr. 10 Meuros, financed by
reason. In the same time the port of Sillamäe has port's owner company) and
continuous plan to resume the connections with constructing a passenger terminal
port of Kotka. Port of Kunda has also increased (appr. 5 Meuros, applied from
interest in regular ship connection with port of public funds), reconstructing and
Kotka, underscoring hereby an aspect that due to renovation of roads connecting a
location the distance between Kunda and Kotka is port and state roads network (appr.
shorter than between Sillamäe and Kotka. At the 4 Meuros, applied from public
moment the port of Kunda is active cargo port funds).
without infrastructure to serve passenger traffic.

Transport Corridors and public Tartu northern Ministry of Tartu northern bypass will be integrated with No Not started 0.050 0.000 B: Lack of long term
missing links bypass Economic Affairs eastern and southern bypasses in order to direct finance.
and transit transportation. Bypass has significant S: Funding scheme
Communications regional importance.
Transport Corridors and public Tartu eastern Ministry of Tartu eastern bypass will be integrated with No Phase IV not started 0.025 0.000 B: Lack of long term
missing links bypass IV phase Economic Affairs northern and southern bypasses in order to direct finance.
and transit transportation. Bypass has significant S: Funding scheme
Communications regional importance. Phases I-III will be finished in
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