Page 245 - ePaper
P. 245
light rail Odense and Aalborg of-the-art light rail solutions are a undergoing planning and ex- ing their investment
political priority in developing sus- pected to open in 2020/2021. through loans.
tainable cities and making public
transport more attractive in urban Mastering planning and construc- Inclusion in the EU
regions with high traffic density. tion of light rail systems is a programme would
competence that is much needed provide a wider
The responsibility for design, con- but – as of now – of limited range of options for
struction, operation and maintenance availability in both the public and financing the pro-
the new light rail systems is placed commercial sector in Denmark. jects.
in separate companies (owned by Thus the abovementioned pro-
jects utilise different models of
state and local authorities) partnering public-private partnerships that
with private contractors can more effectively attract com-
petence from abroad.
Telecomuni- Digital infra- Long term financing for DG CON- The digital infrastructure is para- [No] Depending on when long term 0,4 0,2 Investment in
cations structure investments in digital NECT mount in realising the potential in financing opportunities can be broadband infra-
infrastructure the digital economy. Generally made available roll out can begin structure should be
speaking Denmark has a well- in 2015 based on a principal
developed digital infrastructure. In of commercial
recent years, Denmark has however interest, and gov-
seen a drop in investments in digital ernments should as
infrastructure. a principle abstain
from founding
As a guiding principal investments digital infrastruc-
in digital infrastructure should be ture. An interven-
based on commercial interest. tion should main-
tain that investment
Long term financing opportunities are based primarily
for investment in digital infrastruc- on commercial
ture can contribute to making in- interests, and
vestment in digital infrastructure should therefore
more attractive. It could be in the focus on improving
form of guaranties or lending oppor- the access to long
tunities, for example through in- term financing.
vestment banks, directed towards
project holders, be it commercial
companies, municipalities or other
project holders.
political priority in developing sus- pected to open in 2020/2021. through loans.
tainable cities and making public
transport more attractive in urban Mastering planning and construc- Inclusion in the EU
regions with high traffic density. tion of light rail systems is a programme would
competence that is much needed provide a wider
The responsibility for design, con- but – as of now – of limited range of options for
struction, operation and maintenance availability in both the public and financing the pro-
the new light rail systems is placed commercial sector in Denmark. jects.
in separate companies (owned by Thus the abovementioned pro-
jects utilise different models of
state and local authorities) partnering public-private partnerships that
with private contractors can more effectively attract com-
petence from abroad.
Telecomuni- Digital infra- Long term financing for DG CON- The digital infrastructure is para- [No] Depending on when long term 0,4 0,2 Investment in
cations structure investments in digital NECT mount in realising the potential in financing opportunities can be broadband infra-
infrastructure the digital economy. Generally made available roll out can begin structure should be
speaking Denmark has a well- in 2015 based on a principal
developed digital infrastructure. In of commercial
recent years, Denmark has however interest, and gov-
seen a drop in investments in digital ernments should as
infrastructure. a principle abstain
from founding
As a guiding principal investments digital infrastruc-
in digital infrastructure should be ture. An interven-
based on commercial interest. tion should main-
tain that investment
Long term financing opportunities are based primarily
for investment in digital infrastruc- on commercial
ture can contribute to making in- interests, and
vestment in digital infrastructure should therefore
more attractive. It could be in the focus on improving
form of guaranties or lending oppor- the access to long
tunities, for example through in- term financing.
vestment banks, directed towards
project holders, be it commercial
companies, municipalities or other
project holders.