Page 241 - ePaper
P. 241
western Limfiord will result in local
growth and potentially significant
job creation in this peripheral area of
Jutland. This initiative will also
combat oxygen depletion etc. and
thus develop and sustain the envi-
ronment of the Limfjord which is
important in an environmental as
well as a growth perspective (tour-
ism, fishery etc.).
Resources Resilience to Removal of bunkers at Ministry of The Danish government in coopera- Elements of na- The project is financed by na- Removal of the
and Envi- Climate the West Coast of Jut- the Environ- tion with local municipalities initiat- tional co- tional funding until the first half remaining poten-
ronment Change land ment ed removal of more than 120 bun- financing to be of 2015. At that time around 120 tially dangerous
kers at the west coast of Jutland. expected bunkers will have been removed. bunkers will
These bunkers posed, due to deterio- From 2016 there is a need for amount to an
ration, an immediate danger to the further financing in order to estimate of 3 – 5
large amount of tourists visiting the make sure that the remaining million Euros.
local beaches. Only bunkers which bunkers will not pose a danger to
proved an immediate danger were visitors and tourists.
removed and there is still a large
number of bunkers left which, in the
coming years, will become danger-
ous to visitors due to erosion. Re-
moval of the remaining bunkers will
benefit the tourist industry in the
peripheral localities at the Danish
west coast and result in creation of
jobs and local growth.
Energy Un- Electricity Viking DKW-GB National Grid An electrical interconnector No A cooperation agreement to 1,9 0,2 Investment gap due
ion. transmission Interconnect- (HVDC) between develop the project to different regula-
(iv) Connec- or Holdings Denmark and UK, which accelerates has been agreed between Ener- tory frameworks.
tions and Limited the EU electricity and National Grid Planning permit
production. market coupling. Denmark’s energy in the UK and a common project complications due
system is highly organization has been set up. to line crossing the
diversified with high degrees of Discussions are ongoing with the territorial waters of
interconnection to regulators in Denmark and the several member
other EU states with hydropower UK concerning the regulatory states.
(e.g. Sweden) and setup for the interconnector. Risk of significant
continental thermal capacity (e.g. increase in reserve
Germany). costs on one
side or that the
growth and potentially significant
job creation in this peripheral area of
Jutland. This initiative will also
combat oxygen depletion etc. and
thus develop and sustain the envi-
ronment of the Limfjord which is
important in an environmental as
well as a growth perspective (tour-
ism, fishery etc.).
Resources Resilience to Removal of bunkers at Ministry of The Danish government in coopera- Elements of na- The project is financed by na- Removal of the
and Envi- Climate the West Coast of Jut- the Environ- tion with local municipalities initiat- tional co- tional funding until the first half remaining poten-
ronment Change land ment ed removal of more than 120 bun- financing to be of 2015. At that time around 120 tially dangerous
kers at the west coast of Jutland. expected bunkers will have been removed. bunkers will
These bunkers posed, due to deterio- From 2016 there is a need for amount to an
ration, an immediate danger to the further financing in order to estimate of 3 – 5
large amount of tourists visiting the make sure that the remaining million Euros.
local beaches. Only bunkers which bunkers will not pose a danger to
proved an immediate danger were visitors and tourists.
removed and there is still a large
number of bunkers left which, in the
coming years, will become danger-
ous to visitors due to erosion. Re-
moval of the remaining bunkers will
benefit the tourist industry in the
peripheral localities at the Danish
west coast and result in creation of
jobs and local growth.
Energy Un- Electricity Viking DKW-GB National Grid An electrical interconnector No A cooperation agreement to 1,9 0,2 Investment gap due
ion. transmission Interconnect- (HVDC) between develop the project to different regula-
(iv) Connec- or Holdings Denmark and UK, which accelerates has been agreed between Ener- tory frameworks.
tions and Limited the EU electricity and National Grid Planning permit
production. market coupling. Denmark’s energy in the UK and a common project complications due
system is highly organization has been set up. to line crossing the
diversified with high degrees of Discussions are ongoing with the territorial waters of
interconnection to regulators in Denmark and the several member
other EU states with hydropower UK concerning the regulatory states.
(e.g. Sweden) and setup for the interconnector. Risk of significant
continental thermal capacity (e.g. increase in reserve
Germany). costs on one
side or that the