Page 236 - ePaper
P. 236
navia and Germany.
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Road corri- Expansion of the Elsi- Ministry of The project will reduce congestion Yes The project is on schedule and 0,198 0,06 Financed by MS
dors and nore Motorway (E47) Transport in the important corridor between expected to open in 2016.
missing links between Øverødvej and Copenhagen and the highly populat-
Hørsholm S (stage 1) ed area north of Copenhagen. Posi-
tive socio-economic rate of return
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will include Silkeborg in Yes The construction work is in pro- 0,904 0,34 Financed by MS
dors and Låsby and Funder (the Transport the Danish motorway network and gress. The section between
missing links Silkeborg Motorway) complete the motorway between Hårup and Låsby is 10 months
Aarhus and Herning. It will improve ahead of schedule and has
opened on December 1, 2014.
the traffic flow, mobility and road The rest of the motorway be-
safety in the Silkeborg area as well tween Hårup and Funder is ex-
as the connections between East pected to open as planned in the
Jutland and West Jutland. Positive autumn of 2016.
socio-economic rate of return.
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will include Holstebro in Yes The highway to the hospital in 0,526 0,35 Financed by MS
dors and Herning and Holstebro Transport the Danish motorway network, Gødstrup expected to open in
missing links which will improve the traffic flow, 2017, with some subsequent
mobility and road safety in the Hern- additional work. The entire
ing and Holstebro areas. The project highway is expected to open in
will also improve the accessibility of 2018. The work is going accord-
a future regional hospital in ing to schedule.
Gødstrup. Positive socio-economic
rate of return.
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will contribute to the Yes The construction work is in pro- 0,175 0,04 Financed by MS
dors and Motorring 4 and Tværvej Transport inclusion of Frederikssund in the gress and the motorway is ex-
missing links (2 stage of the Freder- Danish motorway network, which pected to open as planned in the
ikssund Motorway) autumn of 2015.
improves the traffic flow, mobility
and road safety in the area as well as
the connections between Freder-
ikssund and Copenhagen. High
socio-economic rate of return.
Resources Natural re- Better use of materials: Central and To ensure growth and jobs in the No Subsolutions are being devel- Economic and
and Envi- sources: Establishment of central decentral ressourcesector and at the same time oped, but lager facilities are barriers in contract
ronment efficient and resources facility for authorities improve value of the waste generat- needed to serve as genuine re- to investing in
secure availa- sorting and recycling to ed in Europe, improved sorting sources base smart green solu-
bility recover materials techniques and facilities are needed tions
to be a valuable resources base for
commercial solutions for turning
these materials into new products. 2-
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Road corri- Expansion of the Elsi- Ministry of The project will reduce congestion Yes The project is on schedule and 0,198 0,06 Financed by MS
dors and nore Motorway (E47) Transport in the important corridor between expected to open in 2016.
missing links between Øverødvej and Copenhagen and the highly populat-
Hørsholm S (stage 1) ed area north of Copenhagen. Posi-
tive socio-economic rate of return
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will include Silkeborg in Yes The construction work is in pro- 0,904 0,34 Financed by MS
dors and Låsby and Funder (the Transport the Danish motorway network and gress. The section between
missing links Silkeborg Motorway) complete the motorway between Hårup and Låsby is 10 months
Aarhus and Herning. It will improve ahead of schedule and has
opened on December 1, 2014.
the traffic flow, mobility and road The rest of the motorway be-
safety in the Silkeborg area as well tween Hårup and Funder is ex-
as the connections between East pected to open as planned in the
Jutland and West Jutland. Positive autumn of 2016.
socio-economic rate of return.
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will include Holstebro in Yes The highway to the hospital in 0,526 0,35 Financed by MS
dors and Herning and Holstebro Transport the Danish motorway network, Gødstrup expected to open in
missing links which will improve the traffic flow, 2017, with some subsequent
mobility and road safety in the Hern- additional work. The entire
ing and Holstebro areas. The project highway is expected to open in
will also improve the accessibility of 2018. The work is going accord-
a future regional hospital in ing to schedule.
Gødstrup. Positive socio-economic
rate of return.
Transport Road corri- New motorway between Ministry of The project will contribute to the Yes The construction work is in pro- 0,175 0,04 Financed by MS
dors and Motorring 4 and Tværvej Transport inclusion of Frederikssund in the gress and the motorway is ex-
missing links (2 stage of the Freder- Danish motorway network, which pected to open as planned in the
ikssund Motorway) autumn of 2015.
improves the traffic flow, mobility
and road safety in the area as well as
the connections between Freder-
ikssund and Copenhagen. High
socio-economic rate of return.
Resources Natural re- Better use of materials: Central and To ensure growth and jobs in the No Subsolutions are being devel- Economic and
and Envi- sources: Establishment of central decentral ressourcesector and at the same time oped, but lager facilities are barriers in contract
ronment efficient and resources facility for authorities improve value of the waste generat- needed to serve as genuine re- to investing in
secure availa- sorting and recycling to ed in Europe, improved sorting sources base smart green solu-
bility recover materials techniques and facilities are needed tions
to be a valuable resources base for
commercial solutions for turning
these materials into new products. 2-