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P. 232
Transport Bottle-necks Ringsted-Rødby – up- Ministry of Ringsted‐Fehmarn: From 2015 to Yes Planning has been finalised in 1,3 0,54 Please see financ-
and increased grade of hinterland con- Transport 2021 Banedanmark will upgrade and 2014. Bill on construction is ing of the Fehmarn
speed nections to the Fehmarn renew the 115 km long railway line expected to be introduced to the Belt fixed link, the
belt fixed link. to a new, future‐proof line. The Danish Parliament in February project is part of the
project includes: Electrification 2015. Preparatory activities have wider Fehmarn
Ringsted – Rødby, Construction of started in 2014. Works to start in project.
new double track between Vord- second half of 2015. Project
ingborg and Rødby (except Storest- concluded end 2021.
rømsbridge), Upgrading of top speed
to 200 km/h,
Passing tracks for 1.000 meter long
freight trains and a passenger train
station at Holeby in the Southern
part of Lolland. Financed by yields
from Femern A/S according to the
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Bottle-necks The Danish Electrifica- Ministry of Full electrification of the following Yes Works ongoing: May 2014-2026. 2,6 0,86 A combination of
and increased tion programme Transport sections: EC grants and MS
speed Esbjerg-Lunderskov, Køge Nord- finance is envis-
Næstved, Fredericia-Aalborg, Ros- aged.
kilde-Kalundborg and Vejle-Struer.
Transport Bottle-necks New High speed railway Ministry of New rail line between Copenhagen Yes Works ongoing, project complet- 1,6 0,79 A combination of
and increased line Copenhagen- Transport and Ringsted: New high speed rail- ed by 2018. EC grants and MS
speed Ringsted way line between Copenhagen and finance is envis-
Ringsted via Køge (up to 250 km/h aged.
for passenger trains). Will result in a
better timetable with more
departures, shorter travel times and
fewer delays. Capacity will also be
increased for freight trains.
The project will be on the TEN-T
core network upon completion.
Transport Bottle-necks New Storestrøm Bridge Ministry of New Storestrøm bridge (primarily Yes EIA exercise ongoing. Works to 0,6 0,11 A combination of
and increased Transport rail, but includes also road and bicy- start end 2016/early 2017 EC grants and MS
speed cle lanes): Located on the Ringsted‐ finance is envis-
Fehmarn railway line, the project aged.
removes a major bottleneck in the
TEN‐T‐network. Primarily a railway
project that also includes road and
bicycle lanes.
The project is on the TEN-T core
and increased grade of hinterland con- Transport 2021 Banedanmark will upgrade and 2014. Bill on construction is ing of the Fehmarn
speed nections to the Fehmarn renew the 115 km long railway line expected to be introduced to the Belt fixed link, the
belt fixed link. to a new, future‐proof line. The Danish Parliament in February project is part of the
project includes: Electrification 2015. Preparatory activities have wider Fehmarn
Ringsted – Rødby, Construction of started in 2014. Works to start in project.
new double track between Vord- second half of 2015. Project
ingborg and Rødby (except Storest- concluded end 2021.
rømsbridge), Upgrading of top speed
to 200 km/h,
Passing tracks for 1.000 meter long
freight trains and a passenger train
station at Holeby in the Southern
part of Lolland. Financed by yields
from Femern A/S according to the
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Bottle-necks The Danish Electrifica- Ministry of Full electrification of the following Yes Works ongoing: May 2014-2026. 2,6 0,86 A combination of
and increased tion programme Transport sections: EC grants and MS
speed Esbjerg-Lunderskov, Køge Nord- finance is envis-
Næstved, Fredericia-Aalborg, Ros- aged.
kilde-Kalundborg and Vejle-Struer.
Transport Bottle-necks New High speed railway Ministry of New rail line between Copenhagen Yes Works ongoing, project complet- 1,6 0,79 A combination of
and increased line Copenhagen- Transport and Ringsted: New high speed rail- ed by 2018. EC grants and MS
speed Ringsted way line between Copenhagen and finance is envis-
Ringsted via Køge (up to 250 km/h aged.
for passenger trains). Will result in a
better timetable with more
departures, shorter travel times and
fewer delays. Capacity will also be
increased for freight trains.
The project will be on the TEN-T
core network upon completion.
Transport Bottle-necks New Storestrøm Bridge Ministry of New Storestrøm bridge (primarily Yes EIA exercise ongoing. Works to 0,6 0,11 A combination of
and increased Transport rail, but includes also road and bicy- start end 2016/early 2017 EC grants and MS
speed cle lanes): Located on the Ringsted‐ finance is envis-
Fehmarn railway line, the project aged.
removes a major bottleneck in the
TEN‐T‐network. Primarily a railway
project that also includes road and
bicycle lanes.
The project is on the TEN-T core