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P. 230
Country : Denmark

Project list

Sector Sub-sector Project name Implemen- Description Included in na- Status Total investment Investment in Barriers/solutions
ting agency tional investment cost 2015 – 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Transport Missing links, Fehmarn belt tunnel- Ministry of The Fehmarn belt fixed link realizes Yes Planning has been finalised in 6,2 2,3 Co‐financed by the
rail + road The fixed link between Transport a fixed, close, and direct connection 2014. The German authorities’ EU. The Fehmarn
Scandinavia and Germa- between Scandinavia and continental approval process has started. Bill belt fixed link will
ny Europe. The duration of a train jour- on construction is expected to be be financed by the
ney between Hamburg and introduced to the Danish Parlia- future earnings
Copenhagen will be cut short from ment in February 2015. Prepara- from tolls and user
about four and a half to merely three tory activities have started. charges. Denmark
hours. In the future, freight Works to start in second half of is responsible for
trains will be able to avoid the 160 2015. Project concluded end financing the
km longer detour via the Great Belt. 2021. coast‐to‐coast sec-
This will create a strong tion and the Danish
transport corridor between the Øre- land works. To this
sund region in Denmark/Sweden and end, the state
Hamburg in Germany. owned company
The project is on the TEN-T core Femern A/S raises
network loans on the inter-
national financial
market. The Danish
government is
providing state
guarantees for these
loans. As a result of
these guarantees,
the loans can be
obtained by Femern
A/S at the same
terms and condi-
tions available to
the state.
Bottle-necks The Signaling pro- Ministry of ERTMS 2: ERTMS Level 2, Base- Yes Ongoing. Early deployment 2,5 0,83 A combination of
Transport and increased gramme Transport line 3. A total replacement of all Langå-Frederikshavn completed EC grants and MS
speed signaling systems on the entire con- by 2016. Full roll out entire finance is envis-
ventional railway network in Den- network by 2021. aged.
mark with ERTMS by the end 2021
and all signaling systems on
the Copenhagen S‐line with CBTC
by 2018 [Cost include 514 M. EUR
for S‐bane in Copenhagen].
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