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Chapter 1: The legacy of the crisis: resilience and challenges
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
Kahn, L. B., ‘The long-term labor Long-Term Consequences on a Gen-
market consequences of graduatand Development, ‘What Makes Labour eration?’, OECD Social, Employment
ing from college in a bad economy’, Markets Resilient During Recessions?’, and Migration Working Papers No 106,
Labour Economics, Vol. 17, No 2, 2010, Employment Outlook 2012, 2012b, OECD Publishing, 2010, http://dx.doi.
pp. 303–16. pp. 43–107. org/10.1787/5kmh79zb2mmv-en
Kluve, J., ‘The effectiveness of Euro- Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Schmillen, A. and Umkehrer, M., ‘The
pean active labor market programs’, tion and Development, ‘Crisis squeezes scars of youth — Effects of early career
Labour Economics, Vol. 17, No 6, 2010, income and puts pressure on inequality unemployment on future unemployment
pp. 904–18. and poverty’, 2013a. experience’, IAB Discussion paper 6/2013.
Kvist, J., ‘The post-crisis European social Organisation for Economic Co-operation Schmillen, A. and Umkehrer, M., ‘Verfesti-
model: developing or dismantling social and Development, ‘Employment Out- gung von früher Arbeitslosigkeit — Einmal
investments?’, Journal of International and look’, 2013b. arbeitslos, immer wieder arbeitslos?’, IAB
Comparative Social Policy, Vol. 29, No 1, Kurz-Bericht, 16/2014.
2013, pp. 91–107. Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, ‘OECD Skills Outlook Skans, O.N.,‘Scarring effects of the
Marmot, M. and consortium, ‘Health ine - 2013: First results from the Survey of First Labor Market Experience’, IZA DP
qualities in the EU — Final report of a Adult Skills’, 2013c. No. 5565, 2011.
consortium. Consortium lead: Sir Michael
Marmot’, funded by the health programme Organisation for Economic Co-operation Social situation monitor, ‘Scarring effects
of the European Union, 2013. and Development, ‘Employment Out- of the crisis’, Research note 06/2014.
look’, 2014a.
Mosthaf A. (2014), ‘Do Scarring Effects Social Protection Committee and Euro-
of Low-Wage Employment and Non- Organisation for Economic Co-operation pean Commission service, ‘Social pro-
Employment Differ BETWEEN Levels of and Development, ‘Jobs, Wages and tection systems in the EU: financing
Qualification?’, Scottish Journal of Politi- Inequality and the Role of Non-Standard arrangements and the effectiveness and
cal Economy, vol.61, Issue 2, pp.154-177, Work’, OECD Publishing, Paris, forthcom - efficiency of resource allocation’, 2014.
May 2014. ing 2014b.
Solga, H., ‘Education, economic inequality
Mourre, G., Isbasoiu, G. M., Paternoster, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and the promises of the social investment
D. and Salto, M., ‘The cyclically-adjusted and Development, ‘Society at Glance’, state’, Socio-economic Review, Vol. 12,
budget balance used in the EU fiscal OECD Publishing, Paris, 2014c. 2014, pp. 269–97.
framework: an update’, European Econ -
omy, Economic papers 478, 2013. Organisation for Economic Co-oper- Stovicek, K. and Turrini, A., ‘Benchmark-
ation and Development, ‘Obesity ing unemployment benefits systems’,
Munnell, A. H., Muldoon, D. and Sass, update’, 2014d. European Commission Economic Papers
S. A., ‘Recessions and older workers’, No 454, May 2012.
Issue in Brief 9–2, Center for Retirement Otterbach, S., and A. Sousa-Poza. ‘Job
Research, 2009. insecurity, employability, and health: Stuckler, D., S. Basu, M. Suhrcke, A. Coutts,
An analysis for Germany across gen - and M. McKee. “Effects of the 2008 reces-
Nielsen Ø.A., Reiso K. H., ‘Scarring effects erations’. No. 88-2014. FZID Discussion sion on health: a first look at European data.”
of unemployment’, IZA DP No. 6198, 2011. Paper, 2014. The Lancet 378, no. 9786: 124-125, 2011.
Oreopoulos, P., von Wachter, T. and Heisz, A., Reeves, A., McKee, M. and Stuckler, D., Vandenbroucke, F., ‘The case for a European
‘The Short and Long-Term Career Effects ‘Economic suicides in the Great Reces- Social Union. From muddling through to a
of Graduating in a Recession: Hysteresis sion in Europe and North America’, The sense of common purpose’, Euroforum
and Heterogeneity in the Market for College British Journal of Psychiatry, 2014. Policy Paper, 2014.
Graduates’, American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics, Vol. 4, No 1, 2012, RWI, ‘Study on labour market transi- Vanderbroucke, F., Hemerijk, A. and Palier,
pp. 1–29. tions using micro-data from the Sta- B., ‘The EU need a social investment pact’,
tistics on Income and Living Conditions OSE Paper Series, Vol. 5, 2011.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation (SILC)’, 2014.
and Development, ‘Employment Out- Van Kersbergen, K. and Hemerijk, A., ‘Two
look 2010: Moving beyond the job crisis’, Salverda, W., Nolan, B., Checchi, D., Marx, decades of change in Europe: the emer -
Paris, 2010. I., McKnight, A., Toth, I.G. and van de Wer - gence of the social investment model’,
fhorst, H. (Editors), ‘Changing Inequali- Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 41, No 3, 2012,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation ties in Rich Countries’, Oxford University pp. 475–92.
and Development, ‘Divided we stand’, 2011. Press, 2014.
Venn, D., ‘Eligibility Criteria for Unemploy -
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Scarpetta, S., Sonnet, A. and Manfredi, ment Benefits’, OECD Social, Employ-
and Development, ‘Closing the gender T., ‘Rising Youth Unemployment Dur- ment and Migration Working Paper
gap’, 2012a. ing The Crisis: How to Prevent Negative No 131, OECD Publishing, 2012.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
Kahn, L. B., ‘The long-term labor Long-Term Consequences on a Gen-
market consequences of graduatand Development, ‘What Makes Labour eration?’, OECD Social, Employment
ing from college in a bad economy’, Markets Resilient During Recessions?’, and Migration Working Papers No 106,
Labour Economics, Vol. 17, No 2, 2010, Employment Outlook 2012, 2012b, OECD Publishing, 2010, http://dx.doi.
pp. 303–16. pp. 43–107. org/10.1787/5kmh79zb2mmv-en
Kluve, J., ‘The effectiveness of Euro- Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Schmillen, A. and Umkehrer, M., ‘The
pean active labor market programs’, tion and Development, ‘Crisis squeezes scars of youth — Effects of early career
Labour Economics, Vol. 17, No 6, 2010, income and puts pressure on inequality unemployment on future unemployment
pp. 904–18. and poverty’, 2013a. experience’, IAB Discussion paper 6/2013.
Kvist, J., ‘The post-crisis European social Organisation for Economic Co-operation Schmillen, A. and Umkehrer, M., ‘Verfesti-
model: developing or dismantling social and Development, ‘Employment Out- gung von früher Arbeitslosigkeit — Einmal
investments?’, Journal of International and look’, 2013b. arbeitslos, immer wieder arbeitslos?’, IAB
Comparative Social Policy, Vol. 29, No 1, Kurz-Bericht, 16/2014.
2013, pp. 91–107. Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, ‘OECD Skills Outlook Skans, O.N.,‘Scarring effects of the
Marmot, M. and consortium, ‘Health ine - 2013: First results from the Survey of First Labor Market Experience’, IZA DP
qualities in the EU — Final report of a Adult Skills’, 2013c. No. 5565, 2011.
consortium. Consortium lead: Sir Michael
Marmot’, funded by the health programme Organisation for Economic Co-operation Social situation monitor, ‘Scarring effects
of the European Union, 2013. and Development, ‘Employment Out- of the crisis’, Research note 06/2014.
look’, 2014a.
Mosthaf A. (2014), ‘Do Scarring Effects Social Protection Committee and Euro-
of Low-Wage Employment and Non- Organisation for Economic Co-operation pean Commission service, ‘Social pro-
Employment Differ BETWEEN Levels of and Development, ‘Jobs, Wages and tection systems in the EU: financing
Qualification?’, Scottish Journal of Politi- Inequality and the Role of Non-Standard arrangements and the effectiveness and
cal Economy, vol.61, Issue 2, pp.154-177, Work’, OECD Publishing, Paris, forthcom - efficiency of resource allocation’, 2014.
May 2014. ing 2014b.
Solga, H., ‘Education, economic inequality
Mourre, G., Isbasoiu, G. M., Paternoster, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and the promises of the social investment
D. and Salto, M., ‘The cyclically-adjusted and Development, ‘Society at Glance’, state’, Socio-economic Review, Vol. 12,
budget balance used in the EU fiscal OECD Publishing, Paris, 2014c. 2014, pp. 269–97.
framework: an update’, European Econ -
omy, Economic papers 478, 2013. Organisation for Economic Co-oper- Stovicek, K. and Turrini, A., ‘Benchmark-
ation and Development, ‘Obesity ing unemployment benefits systems’,
Munnell, A. H., Muldoon, D. and Sass, update’, 2014d. European Commission Economic Papers
S. A., ‘Recessions and older workers’, No 454, May 2012.
Issue in Brief 9–2, Center for Retirement Otterbach, S., and A. Sousa-Poza. ‘Job
Research, 2009. insecurity, employability, and health: Stuckler, D., S. Basu, M. Suhrcke, A. Coutts,
An analysis for Germany across gen - and M. McKee. “Effects of the 2008 reces-
Nielsen Ø.A., Reiso K. H., ‘Scarring effects erations’. No. 88-2014. FZID Discussion sion on health: a first look at European data.”
of unemployment’, IZA DP No. 6198, 2011. Paper, 2014. The Lancet 378, no. 9786: 124-125, 2011.
Oreopoulos, P., von Wachter, T. and Heisz, A., Reeves, A., McKee, M. and Stuckler, D., Vandenbroucke, F., ‘The case for a European
‘The Short and Long-Term Career Effects ‘Economic suicides in the Great Reces- Social Union. From muddling through to a
of Graduating in a Recession: Hysteresis sion in Europe and North America’, The sense of common purpose’, Euroforum
and Heterogeneity in the Market for College British Journal of Psychiatry, 2014. Policy Paper, 2014.
Graduates’, American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics, Vol. 4, No 1, 2012, RWI, ‘Study on labour market transi- Vanderbroucke, F., Hemerijk, A. and Palier,
pp. 1–29. tions using micro-data from the Sta- B., ‘The EU need a social investment pact’,
tistics on Income and Living Conditions OSE Paper Series, Vol. 5, 2011.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation (SILC)’, 2014.
and Development, ‘Employment Out- Van Kersbergen, K. and Hemerijk, A., ‘Two
look 2010: Moving beyond the job crisis’, Salverda, W., Nolan, B., Checchi, D., Marx, decades of change in Europe: the emer -
Paris, 2010. I., McKnight, A., Toth, I.G. and van de Wer - gence of the social investment model’,
fhorst, H. (Editors), ‘Changing Inequali- Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 41, No 3, 2012,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation ties in Rich Countries’, Oxford University pp. 475–92.
and Development, ‘Divided we stand’, 2011. Press, 2014.
Venn, D., ‘Eligibility Criteria for Unemploy -
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Scarpetta, S., Sonnet, A. and Manfredi, ment Benefits’, OECD Social, Employ-
and Development, ‘Closing the gender T., ‘Rising Youth Unemployment Dur- ment and Migration Working Paper
gap’, 2012a. ing The Crisis: How to Prevent Negative No 131, OECD Publishing, 2012.