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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
European Commission, ‘Employment European Commission, ‘Starting Frag- Gregg, P., ‘The impact of youth unem-
and Social developments in Europe ile — Gender differences in the youth ployment on adult unemployment in the
Review’, 2012a. labour market’, Expert Group on Gender NCDS’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 111,
and Employment (EGGE), 2013i. pp. 626-653, 2001.
European Commission, ‘The impact of
the economic crisis on the situation of European Commission, ‘Report on health Gregg, P. and Tominey, E., ‘The wage
women and men and on gender equal- inequalities in the European Union’, Com - scar from male youth unemployment’,
ity policies’, Expert Group on Gender and mission Staff Working Document, 2013j. Labour Economics, Vol. 12, No 4, 2005,
Employment (EGGE), 2012b. pp. 487–509.
European Commission ‘Employment and
European Commission, ‘Staff working Social economic developments in Europe, Guio A.C., Pomati, M., ‘How do European
document accompanying the document Quarterly Review, March 2014’, 2014a. Citizens cope with economic shock?
Proposal for a Council Recommenda- Expenditures that households in hard-
tion on Establishing a Youth Guaran- European Commission, ‘A Decade of ship are curtailing first’; European
Commission, to be published, 2014.
tee’, 2012c. Labour Market Reforms in the EU:
Insights from the LABREF database’,
European Commission, ‘A Decade of LABREF, 2014b. Hijzen, A. and Martin, S., ‘The role
Labour Market Reforms in the EU: of short-time work schemes during
European Commission, ‘Is unemployment
Trends, Main Features, Outcomes’, the global financial crisis and early
LABREF, 2012d. structural or cyclical? Main features of recovery: a cross-country analysis’,
job matching in the EU after the crisis’, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Vol. 2,
European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- August 2014c. No 5, 2013.
tions in Europe 2012’, Directorate-Gen-
eral for Employment, Social Affairs and European Commission, ‘Assessment of the Hijzen, A. and Venn, D., ‘The role of
Inclusion, 2012e. 2014 national reform programmes and sta - short-time work schemes during the
bility programmes for the Euro Area’, Com- 2008–09 recession’, OECD Social,
European Commission, ‘Evaluation of mission Staff Working Document, 2014d. Employment and Migration Working
flexicurity 2007–2010: Final Report’, Papers No 2010/15, OECD Publishing,
Directorate-General Employment, Social European Commission ‘Employment Paris, 2010.
Affairs and Equal Opportunities, 2012f. and Social economic developments
Holmlund, B., ‘What do labor mar-
in Europe, Quarterly Review, June
European Commission, ‘Employment 2014’, 2014e. ket institutions do?’, Working Paper
and Social developments in Europe Series 2013, No 23, Uppsala Univer-
Review’, 2013a. European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- sity, Department of Economics, 2013,
tions in Europe 2014’, Directorate-Gen- available at
European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- eral for Employment, Social Affairs and uunewp.html
tions in Europe 2012’, Brussels, 2013b. Inclusion, forthcoming 2015.
International Labour Organisation, ‘World
European Commission, ‘Draft Joint Employ - European Employment Observatory, Social Protection Report 2014/15: Build-
ment Report accompanying the Commu- ‘Stimulating job demand: the design ing economic recovery, inclusive devel-
nication from the Commission on Annual of effective recruitment incentives in opment and social justice’, International
Growth Survey 2014’, Brussels, 2013c. Europe’, EEO Review, 2014. Labour Office - Geneva: ILO, 2014a
European Commission, ‘Labour Market European Parliament, ‘Gender aspects International Labour Organisation, ‘Dereg -
Developments in Europe’, ECFIN, Euro- of the effects of the economic down- ulating labour markets: how robust is the
pean Economy 6, 2013d. turn and financial crisis on welfare sys- analysis of recent IMF working papers’, by
tems’, 2014. Mariya Aleksynska; International Labour
European Commission, ‘Social Invest- Office, Conditions of Work and Employ-
ment Package’, Staff Working Docu- Fabian at al. ‘The legacy of the recession: ment Branch. - Geneva: ILO, 2014.
ment, 2013e. values and societal issues’, Social Situa-
tion Monitor, Research note No 7, 2014. International Monetary Fund, ‘Euro
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Area policies’, IMF Country Report
Funding of Education in Europe 2000– Gaini, M., Leduc, A. and Vicard, A., ‘A No 14/198, 2014a.
2012: The Impact of the Economic scarred generation? French evidence
Crisis. Eurydice Report, Luxembourg: on young people entering into a tough International Monetary Fund, ‘Euro
Publications Office of the European labour market’, Direction des etudes et Area policies’, IMF Country Report
Union, 2013f. synthèses économiques, G 2012/05, No 14/199, 2014b.
INSEE, 2012.
European Commission, ‘Annual Growth Immervoll, H. and Scarpetta, S., ‘Activa-
Survey 2014’, 2013g. Giuliano, P., Spilimbergo, A., ‘Grow- tion and employment support policies
ing Up in a Recession: Beliefs and the in OECD countries. An overview of cur-
European Commission, ‘Tax reforms in Macroeconomy’, NBER Working Paper rent approaches’, IZA Journal of Labor
EU Member States’, 2013h. No. 15321, September 2009. Policy, Vol. 1, No 9, 2012.
European Commission, ‘Employment European Commission, ‘Starting Frag- Gregg, P., ‘The impact of youth unem-
and Social developments in Europe ile — Gender differences in the youth ployment on adult unemployment in the
Review’, 2012a. labour market’, Expert Group on Gender NCDS’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 111,
and Employment (EGGE), 2013i. pp. 626-653, 2001.
European Commission, ‘The impact of
the economic crisis on the situation of European Commission, ‘Report on health Gregg, P. and Tominey, E., ‘The wage
women and men and on gender equal- inequalities in the European Union’, Com - scar from male youth unemployment’,
ity policies’, Expert Group on Gender and mission Staff Working Document, 2013j. Labour Economics, Vol. 12, No 4, 2005,
Employment (EGGE), 2012b. pp. 487–509.
European Commission ‘Employment and
European Commission, ‘Staff working Social economic developments in Europe, Guio A.C., Pomati, M., ‘How do European
document accompanying the document Quarterly Review, March 2014’, 2014a. Citizens cope with economic shock?
Proposal for a Council Recommenda- Expenditures that households in hard-
tion on Establishing a Youth Guaran- European Commission, ‘A Decade of ship are curtailing first’; European
Commission, to be published, 2014.
tee’, 2012c. Labour Market Reforms in the EU:
Insights from the LABREF database’,
European Commission, ‘A Decade of LABREF, 2014b. Hijzen, A. and Martin, S., ‘The role
Labour Market Reforms in the EU: of short-time work schemes during
European Commission, ‘Is unemployment
Trends, Main Features, Outcomes’, the global financial crisis and early
LABREF, 2012d. structural or cyclical? Main features of recovery: a cross-country analysis’,
job matching in the EU after the crisis’, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Vol. 2,
European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- August 2014c. No 5, 2013.
tions in Europe 2012’, Directorate-Gen-
eral for Employment, Social Affairs and European Commission, ‘Assessment of the Hijzen, A. and Venn, D., ‘The role of
Inclusion, 2012e. 2014 national reform programmes and sta - short-time work schemes during the
bility programmes for the Euro Area’, Com- 2008–09 recession’, OECD Social,
European Commission, ‘Evaluation of mission Staff Working Document, 2014d. Employment and Migration Working
flexicurity 2007–2010: Final Report’, Papers No 2010/15, OECD Publishing,
Directorate-General Employment, Social European Commission ‘Employment Paris, 2010.
Affairs and Equal Opportunities, 2012f. and Social economic developments
Holmlund, B., ‘What do labor mar-
in Europe, Quarterly Review, June
European Commission, ‘Employment 2014’, 2014e. ket institutions do?’, Working Paper
and Social developments in Europe Series 2013, No 23, Uppsala Univer-
Review’, 2013a. European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- sity, Department of Economics, 2013,
tions in Europe 2014’, Directorate-Gen- available at
European Commission, ‘Industrial Rela- eral for Employment, Social Affairs and uunewp.html
tions in Europe 2012’, Brussels, 2013b. Inclusion, forthcoming 2015.
International Labour Organisation, ‘World
European Commission, ‘Draft Joint Employ - European Employment Observatory, Social Protection Report 2014/15: Build-
ment Report accompanying the Commu- ‘Stimulating job demand: the design ing economic recovery, inclusive devel-
nication from the Commission on Annual of effective recruitment incentives in opment and social justice’, International
Growth Survey 2014’, Brussels, 2013c. Europe’, EEO Review, 2014. Labour Office - Geneva: ILO, 2014a
European Commission, ‘Labour Market European Parliament, ‘Gender aspects International Labour Organisation, ‘Dereg -
Developments in Europe’, ECFIN, Euro- of the effects of the economic down- ulating labour markets: how robust is the
pean Economy 6, 2013d. turn and financial crisis on welfare sys- analysis of recent IMF working papers’, by
tems’, 2014. Mariya Aleksynska; International Labour
European Commission, ‘Social Invest- Office, Conditions of Work and Employ-
ment Package’, Staff Working Docu- Fabian at al. ‘The legacy of the recession: ment Branch. - Geneva: ILO, 2014.
ment, 2013e. values and societal issues’, Social Situa-
tion Monitor, Research note No 7, 2014. International Monetary Fund, ‘Euro
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Area policies’, IMF Country Report
Funding of Education in Europe 2000– Gaini, M., Leduc, A. and Vicard, A., ‘A No 14/198, 2014a.
2012: The Impact of the Economic scarred generation? French evidence
Crisis. Eurydice Report, Luxembourg: on young people entering into a tough International Monetary Fund, ‘Euro
Publications Office of the European labour market’, Direction des etudes et Area policies’, IMF Country Report
Union, 2013f. synthèses économiques, G 2012/05, No 14/199, 2014b.
INSEE, 2012.
European Commission, ‘Annual Growth Immervoll, H. and Scarpetta, S., ‘Activa-
Survey 2014’, 2013g. Giuliano, P., Spilimbergo, A., ‘Grow- tion and employment support policies
ing Up in a Recession: Beliefs and the in OECD countries. An overview of cur-
European Commission, ‘Tax reforms in Macroeconomy’, NBER Working Paper rent approaches’, IZA Journal of Labor
EU Member States’, 2013h. No. 15321, September 2009. Policy, Vol. 1, No 9, 2012.