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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
Annex 4: RESCuE as others, are developing resilience, European Member and neighbouring States.
project — Patterns which means that they demonstrate The project accounts for regional varieties,
of Resilience during social, economic and cultural practices relevant internal and external conditions
Socioeconomic Crises and habits which protect them from suf - and resources as well as influences on
among Households fering and harm, and support sustainable these patterns by social, economic or labour
in Europe patterns of coping and adaption. market policy as well as legal regulations.
As a complement to the qualitative This resilience can consist of identity pat - RESCuE has been producing national
study above, the RESCuE project was terns, knowledge, family or community state-of-the-art reports and will deliver
launched by Directorate-General for relations, and cultural and social as well a synthesised, comparative international
Research and Innovation in April 2014 as economic practices, whether formal or report in due course (WP 2). The period
under the Seventh Framework Pro- informal. Welfare states, labour markets of extensive field work, consisting mainly
gramme (FP7-SSH). and economic policies form the ‘environ - of qualitative interviews with households
ment’ of those resilience patterns. exposed to the effects of the crisis in
This project has set out to explore the various states, is also coming to an end
coping strategies of those affected by The RESCuE project’s main questions are soon (WP3). A key mid-term deliverable
the crisis at household level. Some parts directed at understanding the patterns will be a comparative typology of socio-
of the vulnerable population, although and dimensions of resilience at household economic resilience practices of house-
experiencing the same living conditions level in different types and variations of holds in Europe.
Annex 4: RESCuE as others, are developing resilience, European Member and neighbouring States.
project — Patterns which means that they demonstrate The project accounts for regional varieties,
of Resilience during social, economic and cultural practices relevant internal and external conditions
Socioeconomic Crises and habits which protect them from suf - and resources as well as influences on
among Households fering and harm, and support sustainable these patterns by social, economic or labour
in Europe patterns of coping and adaption. market policy as well as legal regulations.
As a complement to the qualitative This resilience can consist of identity pat - RESCuE has been producing national
study above, the RESCuE project was terns, knowledge, family or community state-of-the-art reports and will deliver
launched by Directorate-General for relations, and cultural and social as well a synthesised, comparative international
Research and Innovation in April 2014 as economic practices, whether formal or report in due course (WP 2). The period
under the Seventh Framework Pro- informal. Welfare states, labour markets of extensive field work, consisting mainly
gramme (FP7-SSH). and economic policies form the ‘environ - of qualitative interviews with households
ment’ of those resilience patterns. exposed to the effects of the crisis in
This project has set out to explore the various states, is also coming to an end
coping strategies of those affected by The RESCuE project’s main questions are soon (WP3). A key mid-term deliverable
the crisis at household level. Some parts directed at understanding the patterns will be a comparative typology of socio-
of the vulnerable population, although and dimensions of resilience at household economic resilience practices of house-
experiencing the same living conditions level in different types and variations of holds in Europe.