Page 62 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
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                                         Mobile customer engagement still
                                         a challenge for many organizations

                                                                                                                A presentation today by Mary          time contextual insight and global
                                                                                                                                                      connectivity to deliver new,
                                                                                                                Clark, Syniverse CMO, and Sarah       enhanced incremental value for
                                                                                                                                                      operators and brands.
                                                                                                                Mansfield, VP of Global Media,
                                                                                                                                                      Join the “Integrating Interactions
                                                                                                                Unilever, will discuss why            with the Connected Consumer”
                                                                                                                                                      presentation in Hall 4,
                                                                                                                transforming the customer             Auditorium 4 from 16:00 - 17:30
                                                                                                                                                      CET or follow the conversation
                                                                                                                experience with mobile should be      on Twitter at @Syniverse.

                                                                                                                on every company’s strategic

                                                                                                                agenda in 2015.

                                                                                                                Understanding where to start

                                                                                                                when it comes to integrating

                                                                                                                mobile as part of a comprehensive

                                                                                                                customer engagement strategy is

                                                                                                                still proving to be a challenge for

                                                                                                                many  brands.    Today’s

                                                                                                                presentation explores the ways

                                                                                                                that brands and operators can use

  Procera Networks has launched a                                                                               the powerful combination of real-
new book titled “Mobile Subscriber
Experience for Dummies” that                                                                                    Wind River Making
introduces readers to the topic of                                                                              Major NFV Strides with
mobile subscriber experience                                                                                    China Mobile, Altiostar
software. These technologies use a
wide variety of data-gathering and         Tresys Technology, a US           Carriers, and OEMs. Tresys           Wind River has teamed with            A part of the Wind River Helix
analytic techniques to discover what     company, has spent years            provides mobile security           China Mobile on several NFV           portfolio of solutions for Internet
customers are doing and create           developing its mobile security      consulting, training, and          projects. They are a founding         of Things, Titanium Server helps
better services for them, and are        expertise through internal and      development specifically tailored  partner in China Mobile’s OPNFV       address challenges from the
becoming essential for providers         customer-funded research and        to address the needs of our        test lab, and jointly developed       transformation of the network into
that want to keep subscribers happy      development. These efforts          customers. Go to                   virtualized small cell gateway and    the backbone for IoT connectivity.
and onboard new subscribers.             culminated in the release of or       C-RAN solutions.
                                         MobileFortress™ for Android™, a     email to learn
  Procera is leading the industry with   security-focused, policy-driven     more about how Tresys can help       Additionally, Wind River is
NFV performance: PacketLogic/V™          mobile solution. Now, Tresys is     you build and deploy more secure,  working with Altiostar on disruptive
platform, Procera’s virtualized          leveraging that experience into a   more flexible, more sustainable    NFV C-RAN solutions. Using Wind
solution, has been clocked at            wide range of security-focused      mobile solutions.                  River Titanium Server as its NFV
+150Gbps running on Intel COTS           service offerings for Enterprises,                                     infrastructure platform, Altiostar’s
platforms. The company will also join                                                                           C-RAN solution can be deployed
Openet and Vodafone in an ETSI Proof-                                                                           using standard Ethernet without
of-Concept demo showing how NFV                                                                                 requiring dark fiber or WDM.
concepts can be applied to OSS/BSS
to deliver on the promise of NFV.

Visit Procera at stand 5H61 or
reach out to us on Twitter at

PROTEI is                                Base Station Environment
coming to                                Monitoring System

  PROTEI opens the door to the new                                                                                Due to the heterogenity of          the site. Special solution modules
country adding Latin America to its                                                                             networks, the challenges for each     address individual challenges.
geography of installations. New project                                                                         BTS differ. But especially in
had been recently awarded to PROTEI                                                                             remote places, there are certain        •Environmental monitoring
by Cuban telecom holding named                                                                                  things to address. There are two        •Power monitoring
ETECSA. PROTEI will deliver several                                                                             main challenges: efficiency and         •Fuel monitoring
platforms to improve inbound roaming                                                                            security.The system connect             •Security management
services delivered by CUBACELL,                                                                                 remote cell sites (BTS) with a          •Access management
mobile subsidiary of ETECSA. The                                                                                company’s Network Operations            •HVAC management
bundle will include platforms for                                                                               Center, and allow for real-time         •Energy supply management
inbound roaming optimization, data                                                                              monitoring of on-site technical
traffic management and several other                                                                            equipment, together with its          Come and visit us at stand 7D76
systems. This deal proves PROTEI                                                                                energy consumption. Additionally,     or contact us via
positions on telecom markets and its                                                                            environmental parameters can be       E-mail: ,
successful international expansions.                                                                            monitored, as well as any theft,      Tel: 008657188179077,
                                                                                                                damage or unauthorized access to      web:
Stand 5H20,

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