Page 61 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 61


                                                                                 Huawei Launches World-
                                                                                 Class NFV/SDN Open Lab

                                                                                 Huawei launches its NFV/SDN           customers, partners, industrial     Mobile, VMware, Red Hat,
                                                                                                                       organizations and open source       Canonical and Linux Foundation
                                                                                 Open Lab in Xi’an, China. Huawei      organizations and accelerating      attended the launch ceremony.
                                                                                                                       development of the open eco-        These efforts mark a key step to
                                                                                 has invested 5 million dollars on     system for NFV infrastructure,      realizing Huawei's future-oriented
                                                                                                                       platforms and services, to          open SoftCOM architecture.
                                                                                 the initial phase, and will invest    aggregate values and help
                                                                                                                       customers achieve business          Please come and visit us at Fira
                                                                                 20-30 million dollars in the next     success. Global leading operators   Gran Via Hall 1.
                                                                                                                       and partners, including China
                                                                                 phase. The Lab is dedicated to

                                                                                 developing    multi-vendor

                                                                                 integration   verification

                                                                                 capabilities, expanding joint

                                                                                 service innovations with

Access Industries                                                                                                                                          StreetNode™ is now available at the
Completes $25 Million                                                                                                                                      60GHz band
Investment in ironSource

  World’s leading digital delivery                                                                                                                         Intracom
company ironSource announced a                                                                                                                             Telecom
$20 million investment from a                                                                                                                              introduces its
group of investors. Access                                                                                                                                 truly innovative
Industries provided most of the                                                                                                                            mmWave
funding and increased its total                                                                                                                            product
investment in ironSource to $25                                                                                                                            portfolio
million. The latest funding is in
addition to approximately $85                                                                                                                                Intracom Telecom, an international
million raised by ironSource in                                                                                                                            telecommunications systems vendor,
September 2014, and officially                                                                                                                             demonstrates for the first time its new
closes the funding round at over                                                                                                                           mmWave, fully outdoor Ethernet
$100 million.                                                                                                                                              radios, StreetNode V60-PTP and
                                                                                                                                                           UltraLink-FX80, operating in the 60
  “This new funding will allow us                                                                                                                          GHz and 70/80 GHz bands respectively.
to build on our market dominance                                                                                                                           These products complement Intracom
to truly disrupt the industry, and                                                                                                                         Telecom’s already successful MW
revolutionize the way we all                                                                                                                               product line, by creating a complete
download and use applications,”                                                                                                                            portfolio of products to ideally address
said Tomer Bar-Zeev, ironSource                                                                                                                            applications ranging from Small Cell
CEO & Co-Founder.                                                                                                                                          Backhaul to Macrocell Backhaul and
                                                                                                                                                           Fronthaul. Operators can take
Listen to Your Network: TM                                                       Advanced                                                                  advantage of the compact size,
Forum and MYCOM OSI                                                              Analytics for                                                             multiple interfaces and flexible
Launch Independent Market                                                        VoLTE Service                                                             powering capabilities of these radios
Report on Using Analytics                                                                                                                                  for deployment in complex topologies
                                                                                 Delivering Voice over LTE is                                              even in street-level. Truly innovative
                                                                                                                                                           installation and commissioning
                                                                                 complex. Monitoring the quality of                                        automations, such as Auto-Alignment
                                                                                                                                                           and ‘Zero-Touch’ provisioning via a
                                                                                 VoLTE service is challenging.                                             Bluetooth-connected Android tablet,
                                                                                                                                                           enable fast, cost effective and error-
                                                                                 Dropped calls, one-way audio, and                                         free link deployment.

                                                                                 poor voice quality all impact the                                         Contact Details:
                                                                                                                                                           Alexandros Tarnaris,
                                                                                 user experience. NetScout’s                                               Communications Director,
                                                                                                                                                           Email: atarnar@intracom-
                                                                                 Advanced Analytics for VoLTE                                    
                                                                                                                                                           Come and visit us at stand 6I40 in
  MYCOM OSI, the leading                in leveraging the wealth of network      provides operators both an end-to-                                        hall 6.
independent provider of Service         and service/device/customer data at
Assurance & Analytics solutions to the  their disposal to make better decisions  end view of service quality as well
world’s largest Communications          and create shareholder value in a
Service Providers (CSPs), has           fiercely competitive telecom market.     as hop-by-hop insight into the
launched a new market research
report on using analytics to improve      MYCOM OSI enables ‘Smart               performance of the elements
service quality and customer            Networks for a Smart World’.
experience. The report, authored by                                              required to deliver VoLTE service.    warning for performance issues
TM Forum, outlines the main               Meet us at stand 1A20, visit                                                 and drastically reduces your Mean-
opportunities and challenges for CSPs or contact             With NetScout you have visibility as  Time-To-Repair (MTTR).
                                        us on
                                                                                 voice traffic traverses multi-        Visit NetScout in Hall 6, booth
                                                                                                                       #6C20 to learn more.
                                                                                 generational  network

                                                                                 architectures; and, augmenting

                                                                                 these capabilities, our Advanced

                                                                                 Analytics for VoLTE provides early

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