Page 58 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 58


MWC Shanghai:
Rebranded and

The GSMA’s 2015 flagship Asia event, which will be held in Shanghai for the                             The most recent additions to MWC                  The conference sessions will address a
fourth consecutive year, has been rebranded under the Mobile World                                   Shanghai are Ericsson and PayPal. Other           range of topics including digital commerce,
Congress banner. In this feature Mobile World Daily previews Mobile World                            newly confirmed exhibitors include                enterprise mobility, innovation and startups,
Congress Shanghai (MWC Shanghai), taking place 15-17 July at the Shanghai                            Airwatch, Askey, Far EasTone                      LTE and 5G, M2M and the Internet of Things,
New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).                                                               Telecommunications, HXO, KAIT Korea               mobile identity and personalisation, network
                                                                                                     Pavilion, MonitorLinq, Nokia Networks,            virtualisation and new business models for
Under the theme of ‘Mobile Unlimited’,           market, with shipments almost doubling last         Phicomm, Raisecom, Shenzhen Pavilion,             the mobile internet.
         MWC Shanghai will focus on how          year to more than 80 million units, according       Software Park Thailand and Spectrummax.
         mobile technology – from connected      to Canalys. India is the third largest                                                                  Reflecting the diversity of the audience, the
cars and wearable tech to mobile payments        smartphone market in the world.                       These companies are joining many                GSMA will offer simultaneous interpretation
and smarter cities – is revolutionising and                                                          previously announced exhibitors such as           of all keynote speeches, panel discussions
enhancing every aspect of individuals’ lives.       While Asia is a leader in many mobile            Alcatel-Lucent, China Mobile, Gemalto,            and audience participation in Mandarin,
                                                 categories, the diverse region also has some        Huawei, LeTV, Mozilla, SK Telecom, Suzhou         English, Japanese and Korean.
  With Asia being the largest mobile market      of the highest and lowest ARPU markets in           Snail, Visa and ZTE, as well as regional
in the world, GSMA Ltd CEO John Hoffman          the world, creating unique challenges and           pavilions from Berlin, Hong Kong, Israel,         NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES
said: “Mobile World Congress Shanghai offers     opportunities for mobile operators.                 KITA Korea and Taiwan.
participating companies the ability to reach a                                                                                                         Aside from the conference agenda and
global audience, while also enabling                Reflecting that diversity, this year’s event is     In addition to the exhibition, covering three  exhibition, new educational programmes to
international brands to capitalise on            expected to bring in more than 30,000               halls at the Shanghai expo centre, an             be introduced this year include the Enterprise
opportunities in the fast-growing and            attendees from almost 100 countries – up 35         expanded conference programme offers a            IoT Summit, the Smart Home Summit, the
dynamic Asian market.”                           per cent from last year.                            mix of visionary keynotes and breakout            Entertainment Unlimited Summit and the
                                                                                                     sessions, providing insights on current and       GSMA Smart Retail Summit.
HUGE MARKET GROWTH                               SHAPING THE FUTURE OF MOBILE                        future trends impacting the ever-changing
                                                                                                     mobile industry.                                    A new programme, the Enterprise IoT
Indeed, Asia Pacific accounted for almost half   Building on the success of its predecessor                                                            Summit, will bring together CIOs from a
of global LTE connections at the end of 2014,    event Mobile Asia Expo, the MWC Shanghai                “Mobile World Congress Shanghai is set        range of industry sectors, as well as leaders
largely due to substantial LTE customer bases    exhibition will spotlight the leading               to be our most exciting and largest event in      of technology enablers, to discuss the
in South Korea, Japan and – increasingly –       technologies, products and services that are        Asia, offering a range of experiences for         development of the Internet of Things (IoT)
China. One in six of the world’s LTE operators   shaping the future of the mobile industry, from     attendees, whether they are mobile                and how enterprises can benefit from this
(66 of 352 worldwide) is based in Asia.          network infrastructure to mobile handsets and       industry executives, professionals in other       rapidly developing technological shift. F5
                                                 devices to software and applications.               industry sectors, government officials or         Networks is the sponsor of the two-day
  China Mobile added 90 million LTE                                                                  tech-savvy consumers,” said GSMA Ltd.’s           event.
connections in just a year since it was granted                                                      Hoffman.
a TD-LTE licence. The country’s three mobile                                                                                                             The newly introduced Smart Home
giants together had 100 million LTE                                                                                                                    Summit will examine the potential of the
connections at the end of last year.                                                                                                                   burgeoning smart home market, with a
                                                                                                                                                       particular emphasis on how cloud services,
  In terms of 4G adoption, South Korea is                                                                                                              smart life applications and smart home
ahead of the rest of the world with two-thirds                                                                                                         devices will be accessed and managed by
of all the country’s mobile connections on 4G                                                                                                          households, as well as the communication
at the end of last year. The US was second (45                                                                                                         specifications and standards that will make
per cent), Japan third (42 per cent) and                                                                                                               the smart home a reality. The Summit,
Australia fourth (38 per cent), according to                                                                                                           organised by DigiTimes, will be held on
GSMA Intelligence. South Korea’s LG Uplus                                                                                                              Friday, 17 July.
(with 80 per cent LTE adoption in Q4), KT (63
per cent) and SK Telecom (61 per cent)                                                                                                                   The GSMA is also launching the
topped the list of the operators with the                                                                                                              Entertainment Unlimited Summit, a programme
highest LTE adoption.                                                                                                                                  highlighting the convergence of entertainment,
                                                                                                                                                       the internet and the mobile industry. Attendees
  Smartphone growth in China may have                                                                                                                  will hear from industry leaders who are driving
slowed, increasing 20 per cent last year, but                                                                                                          the development of entertainment content and
India is now the fastest growing smartphone                                                                                                            partnerships with operators, broadcasters,
                                                                                                                                                       internet companies and third-party video and
                                                                                                                                                       music service providers.

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