Page 50 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
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State OF the induStry 2013

Figure 19
Percentage of airtime mnos solD via mobile moneY (June 2013)

70% 66%





10% 6% 4%

LESS THAN 1% 1% TO 10% 10% TO 25% 25% TO 50% ABOVE 50%

indirect revenues
10 a number of mnOs have launched mobile money for its indirect benefts. however, mobile money’s

potential to reduce churn is fading as it becomes a mainstream service for MNOs, but savings on airtime
distribution remains an attractive indirect beneft. using mobile money as a tool to increase customer

mnos loyalty becomes increasingly challenging in markets where most operators have launched mobile money. to
diferentiate their service and attract new customers, operators have used various tactics including making
mobile money free for certain periods of time. these types of price promotions have had mixed results so
far (read more in the text box 13).
reported selling
more than 10% of However, savings from airtime distribution seem to represent a more attractive opportunity for opera-
their airtime via
mobile money tors. 10 mnOs within our sample reported selling more than 10% of their airtime via mobile money, totalling
uSd 19 million in june 2013.

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