Page 48 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 48

State OF the induStry 2013

the state of mobile

money revenues

Key findings
• Mobile money has proven to be rewarding for deployments that have reached scale. Within
our sample, 8 mobile money services generated over USD1m in June 2013, representing 86%
of total revenues reported by 69 services

• Five operators within our sample reported that mobile money contributed to over 5% of their

• Savings from airtime distribution can also represent an interesting indirect beneft for MNOs:
10 deployments reported that they sell more than 10% of their airtime over mobile money.

8 as mobile money becomes mainstream, its power to drive indirect revenues via churn reduction reduces and the

importance of generating direct revenues from transactions starts to grow.

revenue data was a new and optional section of the Global Survey. 69 respondents provided this information, but
several large deployments declined. data provided in this section are based on information provided by this sample.

mobile direct revenues
services Direct revenue generated from mobile money remains a two-tier landscape. For 8 mobile money services, mobile
generated money has proven to be rewarding and it generated over uSd1m in june 2013. these 8 services together generated
> USD1m
during the uSd40.5m in june 2013.
month of
June 2013
Revenues from mobile money can form a signifcant proportion of the total revenues for mobile network opera-
tors. For example, vodacom tanzania made signifcant progress in 2013 and saw m-PeSa’s contribution to the
company’s total revenues increase from 12.6% in September 2012 to 18.7% in September 2013. in our sample,
5 operators reported mobile money revenues contributing over 5%to their total revenue.

29. vodacom:
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53