Page 47 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 47

Part 1 - mOBile mOney

TexT BOx 12
a comPlementarY view from the financial
inclusion tracker stuDY

The Financial Inclusion Tracker Study (FITS) is a three-year panel study tracking household fnancial behaviours in Tanzania,
Uganda, and Pakistan. Interviews with mobile money users revealed some interesting parallels, particularly between Tanzania and
Uganda—the more advanced markets. The research found that, in Tanzania, 21% of M-PESA users and 12% of Airtel and Tigo Pesa
users use mobile money for business transactions. Most (74%) use it to pay suppliers, 23% use it to receive customer payments, and
7% use it to pay employees. Similarly, in the FITS Uganda study, 19% of mobile money users said they use mobile money as part of
their business. Most received payments from customers through mobile money or used mobile money to pay suppliers for inventory
[1]. A portion of these transactions are likely to be done through P2P today, which means that there is an even greater demand from
businesses and SMEs to use mobile money in their business interactions.

1. Michelle Kafenberger, “Mobile Money for Business: What the data shows in Tanzania, Uganda, DRC and Pakistan,” (October 24, 2013), available at

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