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Le Groupe La Poste,
Posti and bpost
Awarded the
PostEurop 2017 CSR
“Coups de Coeur”
“This initiative from Posti can be a great example on how
Big Data can improve citizens’ lives by simply measuring
and analysing the data that is being collected on a
regular basis, using the sensors that were installed in our
PostEurop proudly announced the winners of the delivery trucks. This way, we are able not only to measure
2017 "CSR Coups de Cœur" awards during its Plenary trac conditions, but also to measure weather or road
Assembly on 28 September in Bucharest, Romania. pavement conditions, which can be shared live with
other drivers, thus increasing road safety” said Nora
For the fourth consecutive year, the awards
highlighted best practices in the eld of Corporate Laaksonen, Posti Head of International who received
Social Responsibility (CSR) amongst European Postal the award on behalf of Posti.
Operators in the areas of Employee, Society and Finally, the “Coup de Coeur” for Environment
Environment. was awarded to bpost for their original program
“Beepost”. This initiative began with populating
The “Coup de Coeur” for Employee was awarded to Le
Groupe La Poste for their “Accompanying caregivers’ the terraces of their Brussels Headquarters with
employee’s initiatives” programme. In order to foster bee hives, in order to provide bees with a safe
place to build their colonies.
quality working conditions several programmes were
developed for their caregivers’ employees. Receiving Julien Crutzen, Regulatory Expert, who accepted
the award on behalf of Le Groupe La Poste is Béatrice the award on behalf of bpost stated “Over the recent
Roux, Directrice des Aaires Internationales. years we have been seen a tremendous drop in bee
“The La Poste Group has developed a number of populations throughout many cities in the world. As
programs to identify an increasing number of caregivers we need these great insects in order to maintain the
amongst employees, who are sometimes unaware. sustainability of our Planet, it is with great pleasure that
Taking this situation into account quickly has a direct I see this project of bpost to kick-o so well. It provides
impact on the health of employees and cascades onto the bees with a safe haven where they can increase
their performance within the company. This issue is a their population and guarantee the continuation of
major one for the years to come which must be addressed pollination in Brussels.”
today” said Béatrice Roux. Several external experts with experience in CSR
participated to the nal jury for the selection of the
Posti was awarded the "Coup de Coeur” for Society
in recognition of their work developed in “Improving 2017 Coups de Coeur. Like in 2016, there was an
road safety through digitalization”. In partnership increase in the number of the submitted entries,
with the Work Eciency Institute and with the VTT which made the jury extremely pleased to see that
Technical Institute of Finland, Posti developed this Postal Operators are investing so much creativity
data sharing exchange, providing the truck driver with and quality in these CSR exchanges.
real-time information. Congratulations to all the winners.