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PostEurop Plenary Assembly 2017

                                                                            Plenary Compilation
       28 September 2017 - Day 1                                            Download the Plenary Compilation

        11.05-11.25          Coee break and group photo

        11.25-12.05          Association’s Progress Report 2017 – Part II
                             By Committees / Circles / Transversals Chairs
                             Association’s Business Plan (2018-2020) – Year 2018 – Part II
                             By Committees / Circles / Transversals Chairs

        12.05-12.20          2018 Budget Proposal and Membership’s Contribution
                             - Proposed 2018 budget – explanations
                             - Proposed 2018 budget in table format
                             - 2018 Membership’s contribution
                             By MB Finance Committee Member

        12.20-12.30          Plenary Assemblies 2018, 2019 and 2020
                             By Mr Botond SZEBENY, Secretary General

        12.30-12.55          Recognitions
                             By Mr Jean-Paul FORCEVILLE, Chairman of PostEurop

        12.55–13.00          Any Other Business and Closing of the Plenary Assembly
                             By Mr Jean-Paul FORCEVILLE, Chairman of PostEurop

        13.00-14.30          Lunch for all participants and CEO Executive Lunch
                             (the latter on special invitation only)

        14.30–17.30          BUSINESS FORUM – “Big Data: Love or Hate?  It is Here!”
        and                  (Detailed agenda see Annex 1/Rev 1)
        on 29/9/2017         The aim of the business forum is to explore where the postal industry is today at
        (day 2)              turning Big Data into real business opportunities.  Don’t miss out on what our spe-
                             cial line-up of speakers have to say.
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