Page 57 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 57

Dr.  Matthias  Schlemmer  is  heading
       the Data and Address Management
       department of Austrian Post.

       Before joining Austrian Post as senior
       project     manager       in    the    strategy

       department in 2015, he was an
       engagement manager at the management
       consultancy Booz & Company (now: PwC
       Strategy&).  Before  that,  Mr.  Schlemmer
       did his PhD in Electrical Engineering at
       the Vienna University of Technology in the
       eld of cognitive robotics.



                                                                    Head of Data & Address

                                                                     Management, Austrian

 PostEurop Business Forum

 Big Data – Love or Hate?

                                                                          PHOTO GALLERY
 IT IS HERE                                                              Click to open the photo gallery

 28 - 29 September 2017                                                    VIDEO GALLERY

                                                                         Click to open the video gallery


                                                                      Click to download the presentation
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