Page 100 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 100

Jean-Michel LEFÈVRE - Director General, ProBaYES

       PostEurop Business Forum

                          La Poste : Parcels flows forecast

               Prediction of parcel flows on
               sorting platforms
               • Feed history
               • The "conditions" (weather,
                  holidays, events)

               Forecasts of large customers
               • At different horizons
               • To optimize material and
                  human resources
                                                                                    • Forecasts 10 to 20% more
                                                                                    • Continuous learning to fit
                                                                                    • Continuous learning to fit

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                    Stakes and strategy

         • These new technologies are not only tools for posts
            ‒ They are at the core of present and future professions
            ‒ They represent a growing share of the value delivered to our customers
              Automated delivery
              Logistics optimization
              dematerialisation
              Personal services

         • If you do not master them:
            ‒ Increased competition
            ‒ Loss of independence and control
            ‒ Potential problem of security and ethics and thus of loss of confidence

         •  The integration of ProbaYes in Le Groupe La Poste is one of the solutions:
            ‒ Technology mastering
            ‒ Valorisation and synergy outside the group
            ‒ Permanent link to the research

                         BRANCHE NUMÉRIQUE

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