Page 96 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 96

Jean-Michel LEFÈVRE - Director General, ProBaYES

       PostEurop Business Forum

                       Machine Learning & Expertise

                                                                                                Expertise of the
                                                                                     Data Scientist is essential for
                                                                                        choosing, implementing,
                                                                                       configuring and combining
                                                                                     techniques in order to achieve
                                         Bayesian network
                                         bayesian network                               the expected result of the
                                                                                               business expert
                                          random forest
                             + expertise                  + learning
                                           decision tree
                deep learning
                                                              Logical programming
                    neural network
                                          Mixed mdoels        Expert rules
                          logistic regression

                               Statistical Models    Logical models
                         Empirical methods,             Analytic Methodes analytiques
                         Information via data            Information via expertise
                          BRANCHE NUMÉRIQUE

                     ProbaYes in Le Groupe La Poste

                   • At the service of the branches
                      ‒ Together with the pole ‘Data’
                      ‒ In synergy with other entities of the group

                   • Our ambitions
                      - Support business teams throughout their projects
                      - Create operational value
                      - Bring innovation with rigor and quality

             Consulting         POC             Prototype      Industrialization   Maintenance    R&D Projects
         • Helping to      • Assessment of   • Evaluation of the   • Integration of the   • Ensure the   • Exploratory logic
           choose Data,     the relevance of   solution        solution         support, the     in data
           projects to      an identified    envisaged         determined via   proper           Processing of a
           manage           need                               the POC into the   functioning and   field
                                                               clien’s  IT      the evolution of
                   67                                          environment      the solution

                         BRANCHE NUMÉRIQUE

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