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Telekom Romania announces the launch of Mobil Nelimitat

The innovative Mobil Nelimitat, from Telekom Romania, allows clients to become subscribers in average in less than 5 minutes, through a completely digital, easy to follow experience. Mobil Nelimitat can be purchased from the Telekom Romania and partners’ stores, as well as from any Mega Image or Shop & Go store, following a partnership between the two companies.

Thus, clients buying Mobile Nelimitat have access to services right after introducing the card into the phone and calling 1234. Any time after activating the services initially valid for 30 days, they can choose to register their phone number on the telekom.ro/vreaunelimitat online interface, passing through several simple steps, to benefit, on a monthly base, without minimum contract period, of access to unlimited 4G, unlimited national minutes and SMS, plus 100 int’l minutes fix/mobile – all for a promotional price of 6 euro a month, VAT included (approx. 29 lei, VAT included). Clients who do not want to register can keep using the services on the prepaid card, by choosing the Mobil Nelimitat option.

In the stores of Mega Image and Shop & GO, the clients will find stands with the new product as sample source of information, as the SIM cards itself can be purchased from the cashiers, at the price set by the distributor, where they will be handled leaflets with details, inclusively the digital procedure for registering the subscription. 

The Mobil Nelimitat digital experience à here

„We demonstrate once again that we have the necessary resources to be creative, bold, smart and visionary, Mobil Nelimitat innovating in all the four Ps of the marketing mix: product, price, placement and promotion. In less than five minutes, in average, any client buying Mobil Nelimitat from a store of Telekom, Mega Image or Shop & Go, can switch to subscription, on the spot, through a digital process, easy to follow. This is a telecom product truly revolutionary in Romania, offering clients the easiest way to become subscribers”, said Andreas Elsner, Chief Commercial Officer – Residential Segment, Telekom Romania.

“In a dynamic environment, we support our clients everyday by providing constant inspiration and innovation. This partnership, through which Telekom makes mobile telephony accessible to every client, is the perfect example of our dedication to make our clients’ lives easier. Therefore, we are integrating something entirely new in the shopping experience, a product meant to solve our clients’ needs of unlimited mobile services. This is how we continue our journey towards a new standard in modern retail” said Adrian Nicolaescu, VP marketing, communication and sustainability, Mega Image.

„Mobil Nelimitat is the living proof that we understand what the Romanians want. They want simple products and services, but with complex benefits. They want creativity, fun, commitment and interaction with the products and, moreover, they want mobility and digital access, products and services available anywhere, anytime”, Andreas Elsner continued.

More details from Andreas Elsner here.

To promote Mobil Nelimitat, Telekom announces this subscription through the new communication platform What Romanians want?

This is because Mobil Nelimitat is made by Romanians, for Romanians: no limits, no bureaucracy, simple and accessible. A market survey conducted by ISRA Center for Telekom, on a representative national level sample, has revealed what Romanians want when it comes to products and benefits offered by their telecommunications providers – unlimited 4G internet, contract without minimum period (for subscription), digital control of the activation, invoices and payments.

Mobil Nelimitat fits every Romanian, regardless their age, professional category, need or habit of consume.

With this product, Telekom continues the innovation pace of Hai Netliberare mission of providing unlimited access to telecommunications services to all Romanians.

More on www.telekom.ro/vreaunelimitat.