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Romanians port over 750,000 telephone numbers in 2019

Over 756,000 telephone numbers were ported in Romania in 2019, of which 704,000 were mobile, according to local telecom authority Ancom. A total of 6.136 million numbers were ported, 5.307 million mobile and 829,427 fixed numbers, since the launch of the service on 21 October 2008.

During 1 January – 21 October 2019, RCS&RDS acquired through porting 261,907 mobile telephone numbers, followed by Orange with 139,197 numbers, Telekom Romania Communications with 118,402 numbers, Vodafone with 105,442 numbers and Telekom Romania Mobile Communications with 78,639 ported numbers, according to Telecompaper.

In 2019, RCS&RDS also attracted the most fixed telephony numbers upon porting – 30,568, followed by Orange (8,560), Vodafone (6,505), UPC (4,304), GTS Telekom (857) and Telekom Romania Communications (706).

Users’ complaints

Since the beginning of 2019, Ancom received 287 complaints from the users regarding the porting process. The main issues concerned certain failures occurred during the process such as the cancellation of the porting process, the non-observance of the porting terms or the impossibility to receive, to the ported numbers, calls originated on certain networks, according to Telecompaper.