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Cristian Gheorghe, the new President of the Professional Association of Cable Manufacturers in Romania

Professional Association of Cable Manufacturers in Romania ( APPCR), whose members are the main cable manufacturers at national level, has appointed a new Board of Directors, elected for the next two years, consisting of: Cristian Gheorghe – President (representative of Prysmian Cables and Systems), Eusebiu Muthi (representative of ICME Ecab ), Gavril Mureșan (representative of Electroplast), Călin Daniel Oniță (representative of RCB Electro 97), Mihai Marin (representative of Iproeb). Cristian Gheorghe, the new President of APPCR, has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and works as Sales Telecom Director at Prysmian Group.

At the General Assembly of APPCR in which the new leadership was elected, it was unanimously decided to adopt a new updated version of the Statute of the Association and the Articles of Association.

“Through the strategy adopted within the GMS, we aim to protect and promote the interests of Romanian cable manufacturers, as well as of the participants in their related industry, in relation to national and European authorities, and other interested entities. We also want to contribute the combined expertise and experience of our members to the development of public policies conducive to the development of modern energy, communications and data networks, especially from the perspective of security, sustainability and innovation. the opening for a constructive dialogue with the competent national authorities, ”said Cristian Gheorghe, President of APPCR.

The operative activity of the Association will be carried out in permanent working groups. APPCR members are ELECTROPLAST SA, ICME ECAB SA, IPROEB SA, PRYSMIAN CABLURI SI SISTEME SA and RCB ELECTRO 97 SA