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Social Education and Mental health BIS (SFA) £20m to support provision of Adult No Not yet launched 0.002 0.002 Affordability
Infrastructure training provision Community Learning to those with low
through Adult level mental health problems.
Social Education and HE STEM BIS Investment in STEM capital at No Paused awaiting further 0.4 1.0 Affordability
Infrastructure training capital (HEFCE) universities in England to support funding
provision of high cost subjects, with
significant economic impact.

Social Health RVH DHSSPS - New Childrens Hospital NI ISNI Plan Design and Enabling 0.2 0.1
Infrastructure Childrens's Belfast Trust Works underway
Social Health Craigavon Area DHSSPS - Redevelopment of Acute Hospital No 0.5 0.1
Infrastructure Hospital Southern
Redevelopment Trust
Social Higher Expansion of Department Expansion of the Magee campus in No Some expansion in 0.5 0.1 Lack of enabling government investment in both capital
Infrastructure ix) Education the University for Derry~Londonderry along the lines student numbers has and recurrent terms.
education and of Ulster's Employment outlined in the regeneration plan for the already taken place.
training Magee and Learning city. This will deliver a 9,400 FTE Expansion plans at the
canmpus campus in the city. This will deliver feasibility stage.
significant economic and social benefits
to the nort-west region of Northern
Transport Urban Cardiff Capital Welsh The Metro project is a £3bn integrated Yes Phase 1 (2013/14 - 3.0 0.5 Requirement for capital funding is a barrier. Technical
Transport Region Metro Government transport programme in South East 2015/16) challenges from the geography, existing infrastructure
Wales which will deliver much improved implementation and technology. Electrification of the Valleys lines
levels of mobility, better linking underway - further proposals developing to enable lower carbon solutions,
communities and business. The phases being planned as will potential alternative technology solutions.
scheme will play an important part in the and developed Innovative finance solutions are being explored and
overall delivery of an efficient modern there is potential for developers' and/or investors'
transport system for the Capital Region. contributions.
It will improve the reach of the region's
public transport network and hence its
attractiveness, create additional
capacity, potentially with alternative
modes that could reduce carbon
emissions, new routes and stops and
contribute to wider economic
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