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Resources and Natural Green Growth Welsh To increase and accelerate projects to Yes Phase 1 underway for 0.5 0.05 A number of factors are limiting development for a
Environment resources: Fund Government deliver green investment in Wales. further development. range of public sector bodies, potential developers and
efficient and Primary focus on encouraging Not in national plan, but investors. Gaps include capability to bring forward
secure investment in resource efficiency, will be in next update investment ready projects and issues in capital
availability renewable energy generation and waste markets, which are constrained. Discussions are
projects. ongoing with the European Investment Bank to develop
a co-financing model and Elena grand funding for
resource efficiency projects. Development work aims
to create a recyclable investment fund, with supporting
development expertise to bring forward projects and
will therefore be seeking a range of investors to create
a large and balanced fund. Aim to have fund running by

Resources and Natural Environmental Welsh GovernmentTo contribute to sustainable Yes Registered grant 0.1 Has a suite of projects that have significant capex , but
Environment resources: Protection development by increasing the level of scheme in place funding gaps.
efficient and Scheme environmental protection, in particular
secure to: protect and enhance the
availability environment; Combat climate change;
Promote sustainable and renewable
energy and energy efficiency; and to
lower ecological footprints
Resources and Natural Underground BIS Support to develop offshore No Currently pre-qualified 1.0 0.023 This project can attract commercial investment if
Environment Resources: Coal underground coal gasification with for Infrastructure UK backed by loan guarantees but needs £23m up front in
Efficient and Gasification integral carbon capture and storage guarantees, but at risk 2015 for pre-commercial testing
Secure and Carbon of stalling on raising
Availability Capture and initial finance
Resources and Resilience to Strategic DRD Rain and flood water seperation to No 0.8
Environment Climate Change Drainage prevent sewerage and waste water
Infrastructure facilities being over whelmed during
for Greater periods of high rainfall with resulting
Belfast Area flooding, polution of water courses and
threat to water quality in Belfast Lough
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