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Knowledge and Public R&D Launchpads for BIS Expansion of the Launchpad No New proposal 0.05 0.02 Affordability, Positive Spillovers, Access to finance
the Digital Local Growth (Innovate programme supporting high tech
Economy UK) clusters of SMEs and to allow LEPs and
DAs to bid for new Launchpads in their
area, based on their knowledge of local
strengths. The programme would help
at increasing the link between the
national and sub-national innovation

Knowledge and Public R&D Emerging BIS Establishing future industries will have No New proposal 0.05 0.01
the Digital technologies (Innovate an important role in the delivery of
Economy and industries UK) future economic growth. There are
three areas of emerging technology
industries where further investment is
required to help develop and scale up
the potential future industries. The
three areas are - synthetic biology, non-
animal testing, and cyber secure
Knowledge and Public R&D UK Centre for BIS (RCUK - A set of interlinked laboratories that No New proposal submitted 0.22 0.05 Affordability
the Digital Research in tbc) carry out research on the basic science, as part of capital
Economy Cities and technology and engineering that consultation but which
Infrastructure - underpins the economic infrastructure has not been shortlisted
UKCRIC sectors. because insufficient
budget available.
Knowledge and Public R&D A ‘Crick BIS (RCUK - Flagship Institute focused on applying No New proposal submitted 0.31 0.06 Affordability
the Digital Institute’ for the tbc) physics, chemistry and engineering to as part of capital
Economy Physical scientific challenges in the Life consultation but which
Sciences Sciences has not been shortlisted
because insufficient
budget available
Knowledge and Public R&D; Innovation BIS IPIF will be a £50m competitive fund No New proposal 0.1 0.00 Affordability, Positive Spillovers, Access to
the Digital Built Partnership which will provide funding for new finance/capital for SMEs, Coordination Failures
Economy environment Investment capital equipment and facilities to
and urban Fund bodies that support the
services commercialisation of science and the
development of high tech businesses.
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