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Knowledge and Superfast Superfast Local BDUK allocation of £6.9mn. Seeking Yes Target contracting start 0.018 0.018 Lack of commercial incentive for industry to roll out
the Digital Broadband Broadband Authority EU match funding of £6/9mn date 09/01/2015 broadband in sparsely populated rural areas, and
Economy Projects Phase difficulties with placing infrastructure in difficult to reach
2 - West areas. Government/public sources of 'gap funding'
Yorkshire required.

Knowledge and Public R&D High Value BIS Additional core funding to maintain Hauser Extension to existing 0.1 0.1 Affordability, spillovers, access to finance, coordination
the Digital Manufacturing (Innovate asset base at the cutting-edge (in Review scheme. failures
Economy Catapult UK) accordance with the Hauser criteria)
and to extend SME outreach services.

Knowledge and Public R&D Formulation BIS A new Centre within the High Value Hauser Extension to existing 0.1 0.00 Affordability, spillovers, access to finance, coordination
the Digital Centre (Innovate Manufacturing Catapult to drive Review scheme. failures
Economy UK) innovation in formulated products in a
range of sectors. The formulated
products market is large and
international (>1000bn), and the Centre
hopes to anchor investment from
internationally mobile companies.

Knowledge and Public R&D Composites BIS A new site for the Composites Centre in Hauser Extend existing scheme 0.1 0.1 Affordability
the Digital Centre (Innovate the HVM Catapult to enable composite Review
Economy UK) structures to be prototyped and tested
at scale.
Knowledge and Public R&D Robotics and BIS (EPSRC Develop the UK market for robotics and No New proposal 0.5 0.02 Affordability, Positive Spillovers, Coordination Failures
the Digital Intelligent & Innovate autonomous systems with a
Economy Autonomous UK) demonstrator in Intelligent Mobility, with
Systems research funded from basic to
innovative through a number of delivery
Knowledge and Public R&D Anti Microbial BIS (MRC) New coordinated research approach No New proposal 0.1 0.02 Affordability, Positive Spillovers, Risk and Uncertainty
the Digital Resistance aimed at uncovering science that may
Economy help combat bacteria that become
resistant to antibiotics.

Knowledge and Public R&D Dementia BIS (MRC) Establish a new MRC University Unit in No New proposal 0.1 0.02 Affordability, Positive Spillovers, Risk and Uncertainty
the Digital dementia research addressing the
Economy molecular and cellular mechanisms
underlying neurodegeneration and
dementia, in order to generate novel
targets for drug development.
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