Page 395 - ePaper
P. 395
Transport Corridors and M4 Corridor Welsh New Section of Motorway to address Yes In development and 1.0 Publication of draft Orders and Environmental
missing links Around Government resilience and capacity issues on the seeking consents Statement (planned Spring 2016), and Public Local
Newport M4 motorway the primary economic Inquiry required (winter 2016/17). Finance to meet cost
route into the South Wale City Regions remains barrier and innovative finance being explored
of Cardiff and Swansea. Core Trans- including the use of new borrowing powers.
European Transport Networks Route

Transport Corridors and A465 Capacity Welsh The scheme, part of the A465 Dualling Yes Phased development. 0.5 0.2 Capital Funding Gap 0.300bn Delivered in Phases
missing links and Resilience Government Programme will improve access to the Some elements in Start of Works 2014/2015. Finance to meet cost
Enhancements northern part of Blaenau Gwent which construction/due to start remains barrier and innovative finance being explored
will receive significant regeneration/ construction and in including the use of new borrowing powers. Funding
community benefits. The scheme will development. Gap up to £0.4bn
include a number of employment sites
adjacent to the A465 that have the
potential to generate new employment
opportunities in the wider area. Trans-
European Transport Networks
Comprehensive Route. With the
completion of the Scheme, the average
number of employment opportunities
accessible within 30 minutes for
residents of the Heads of the Valleys
area will increase from approximately
137,100 jobs to 145,700 jobs (+6.3%).

Transport Corridors and A4232 Eastern Welsh Upgrade to existing route to link to Yes Phased development. 0.3 0.1 Capital - Funding Gap 0.25bn To be delivered in
missing links Bay Link Government Central Cardiff Entreprise Zone to M4. Some elements in Phases Start of Ist Phase 2015.
in Significant regeneration/community construction/due to start
conjunction benefits elements provided by the construction and in
with Cardiff project. development.
Transport Corridors and A55 Capacity Welsh Removal of missing links to address Yes In development 0.3 Capital - Funding Gap 0.250bn To be delivered in
missing links and Resilience Government capacity issues and improve resilience Phases Ist Phases to Start 2017
Enhancements to the A55. Trans-European Transport
Networks Route
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