Page 317 - ePaper
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technologies in the field of
energy efficiency,
environmental protection,
alternative sources of
energy, rain water
conservation technologies
in the territory, innovative
building technologies, etc.
in cooperation with
technical colleges. Other
areas include innovative
technologies and creating a
space for know-how
exchange on national and
European level in
Bratislava – a conference
Knowledge and ICT Metropolita Capital city of Building a town data Yes 0.15 0.09 land ownership, land-
digital economy infrastructure n network the Slovak network interconnecting the planning authorizations,
and town Republic municipality with local building permits
data center Bratislava authorities, creating a city-
wide network of cameras
monitoring and protecting
the public space. Creating
a data center to operate an
integrated information
system for the capital city.
Energy Union Energy Insulation Capital city of Insulation and decreased of No Under 0.1 0.1 Public procurement
efficiency in and the Slovak energy demand in school preparation
buildings decrease of Republic and public buildings,
energy Bratislava including repairs of roofs
demand of and insulation, repairs to
school and building exterior walls and
public insulation including
buildings replacement of windows,
replacement of heat
Energy Union Energy Green town Capital city of Project for building a model No Under 0.1 0.1 land ownership, land-
efficiency in the Slovak sustainable locality – preparation. planning authorizations,
buildings Republic buildings, offices, transport building permits
Bratislava infrastructure and public
energy efficiency,
environmental protection,
alternative sources of
energy, rain water
conservation technologies
in the territory, innovative
building technologies, etc.
in cooperation with
technical colleges. Other
areas include innovative
technologies and creating a
space for know-how
exchange on national and
European level in
Bratislava – a conference
Knowledge and ICT Metropolita Capital city of Building a town data Yes 0.15 0.09 land ownership, land-
digital economy infrastructure n network the Slovak network interconnecting the planning authorizations,
and town Republic municipality with local building permits
data center Bratislava authorities, creating a city-
wide network of cameras
monitoring and protecting
the public space. Creating
a data center to operate an
integrated information
system for the capital city.
Energy Union Energy Insulation Capital city of Insulation and decreased of No Under 0.1 0.1 Public procurement
efficiency in and the Slovak energy demand in school preparation
buildings decrease of Republic and public buildings,
energy Bratislava including repairs of roofs
demand of and insulation, repairs to
school and building exterior walls and
public insulation including
buildings replacement of windows,
replacement of heat
Energy Union Energy Green town Capital city of Project for building a model No Under 0.1 0.1 land ownership, land-
efficiency in the Slovak sustainable locality – preparation. planning authorizations,
buildings Republic buildings, offices, transport building permits
Bratislava infrastructure and public